Saturday, 27 January 2018

Saturday, 27 January 2018

We were able to sleep in today.  I woke feeling much better.  Clark and I didn't have to rush anywhere.  It is P-day for us. We got ready for the day and then ate frozen waffles (I had made extra a few weeks earlier and froze them.) with ice cream for breakfast.  Boy!  Are we spoiled.  We took off the sheets on the bed and washed them.  I love climbing in to clean sheets!  We stopped at a place called Haskins Garden Shop. It is a huge store plus has a hobby shop in the back, clothing store and dining area for lunch.   We bought cellophane, ribbon and tiny zip-lock bags they use for jewellery. Afterwards, we got gas for the car and did grocery shopping at Tescos.  I found a new recipe where you cook an egg in an avocado under the boiler.  Next week I am going to try it. Let you know how it turns out.  We are entertaining three couples tomorrow at Sunday Dinner.  Not much has changed with our Sundays.

Salt and Pepper Shakers
We arrived home and put away our grocery items and got dressed and attended a session at the London Temple.  It was lovely!  I should of explained that I bought salt and pepper shakers to give out at Christmas.  I was not able to get things put together and then got sick. So I assembled the shakers today and gave one to Sister Harkness and Sister Parker and Lesley Bridgstock.  I had to special order Kosher salt because they don't have it here in England.  We will see how they like it.

Caramel Popcorn
Reading puts Clark to sleep!
We had a nice quiet dinner.  Clark had a baguette sandwich while I ate leftover soup and baguette slices.  I was ready for dinner because we didn't eat anything for lunch.  Afterwards we made caramel popcorn for Movie Night at the Accommadations.   The only problem with the caramel popcorn was not enough popcorn.  Clark told me do the blog while he cleaned up.  I couldn't get to the computer fast enough. He is now taking a nap while I continue to write and update the blog.  He is a good and hardworking man and I love him dear.  He deserves a rest.  We saw "Court Jester" with Danny Kaye and Angela Lansbury with the temple missionaries.  We loved the movie though it was a bit silly and yet funny.  Danny Kaye was delightful and showed his versatility of characters switching from one to another quickly. We laughed and had a wonderful time. The caramel corn was a big hit. Finally found the right Lyles Syrup to use.  I was using the dessert syrup and there is a baking syrup that I should of been using.  I realised the different syrup when I went grocery shopping today.   We came home from the movie and did a 10 minute clean of the flat.  We are ready for the Sabbath.
