Monday, 22 January 2018

Monday, 22 January 2018

Up and going with lots to do today!  Elder Wallace and I arrived at the office at 8 am with a full agenda of things to get done.  We worked in the office until 9:30 am in which the staff stopped to have a thought and prayer and staff meeting.  We have decided to have only one on each Monday and try and talk about what is happening in the office for the week.  Elder Wallace left to go to Royal Tunbridge Wells to take the a car for a 10,000 mile checkup and oil change.  It is only 19 miles but took about 45 minutes.  We don't talk miles here we talk time to.  There is going to be another auto shop opening closer to us but won't be for another few months.

Sister Harkness came with me to help clean a flat.  We spent a few hours washing out cupboards and cleaning the floor.  Sister Harkness started cleaning the fridge and took a shelf out to clean which fell to the ground and broke into a million pieces.  Well, that is how the glass breaks when its dropped.  Took some time to clean the floor.  I invited Sister Harkness to lunch.  We went to Fyre (Fair) and Square and had the most delicious hamburgers and fries.  I got to know Sister Harkness better and love her.  She is about 54 years old and her husband passed away a few years ago.  She will be leaving in the first part of June to go to Utah.  She is great with counselling and has a sixth sense about the needs of others.  She has helped me on some days that were hard.  I have seen her work with sister missionaries that are struggling and having serious problems. 

Elder Wallace returned to the office and we quickly turned around three times and took off to Brighton to switch a car with the zone leaders.  We also did a flat check with Elder Armstrong and Elder Hardy, two dedicated and on fire missionaries.  They have 13 friends they are teaching and 7 pledged for baptism.  We had to drive to the church and walk to their flat.  We used the GPS (England calls it the SAPNAP)  to get us there.  It took us a few minutes after a few wrong turns.  It was a great flat.  We returned in the dark and struggled to read the GPS and do what it was telling us to do.  We finally made it home and had a bit to eat, a baguette sandwich, 7 Up and chips. Elder Wallace called the Doyles, our long lost friends.  We had a wonderful visit. Afterwards, I spent time doing a bit of sewing while Elder Wallace napped.  Write on blog and hope to talk to my sister, Susan and Dad.  It is late but I have the need to talk to them.

Sewing Project - Silverware holder - $ nothing
Basket found in a flat and material left by Sister DeArden
I can make one more IF the office sisters like it!


  1. What kind of a GPS are you using? We found ours at Best Buy before our mission. It was on sale because it had European maps. We couldn't have survived without it either!


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