Monday, 1 January 2018

Monday, 1 January 2018

YAY!  A new year, a new start to the week, and a new time to make some new goals. 

The New Year is not starting off the best.  Elder Wallace is still not feeling well and I now have this gunk!  We are starting the New Year with clean sheets and a clean house.  Breakfast was an egg burrito which was yummy!  Thank you, sweet husband for fixing it.  Elder Wallace went to the office while I got ready for the day and finish the  laundry.  Elder Wallace was later than he thought.  He had been talking to the Office Elders.  Elder Wallace is helping them move today.  (Today is not a holiday for us!)  We took a trip to Crawley to visit ASDA.  Englands version of Walmart. Nice store but not as big.  The biggest part of the store was the grocery part with clothing taking up about 1/4 of the store. We bought cough drops, cough syrup, and a jacket for Clark.  He lost his gray jacket and really needed another one.  Sizing is different over here and the arms were a bit snug but the jacket looks posh! 

Elders called and were ready to start moving.  Elder Wallace went to the office to get the van and meet the Elders at their flat.  I decided to get a ride to the office and also take a hot bath at the Locks.   After arriving at the office I realized it was our turn to clean the office.  I spent a half hour cleaning and then checking mail.  Elder Parker came over and we had different opinion of the organization of the office.  One thing I love about the water here is it is sooooo hot.  As I came out of the Lodge (the building that the temple missionaries live in) the moon was full and bright and large.  Here are a few pictures!  Amazing!  Elder Wallace came home in time for a bit to eat since we hadn't eaten anything since breakfast.  A roll with ham, cheese and lettuce with cut up veggies.  I spent the evening putting a puzzle together and resting.  Body aches, bad cough, headache and feeling worse every hour.  Elder Wallace never complains when he is sick.  Welcome 2018 in England.  Glad to be a missionary!  Joy to wear the badge proclaiming I am a missionary! And grateful for the things I am leaning.  But I am most grateful for the Lord, Jesus Christ-my brother, my Redeemer and Savior. 

Facing the building that the Temple Presidency lives in.
Notice how big the moon is.
Front entrance to the London Temple
London Temple lit up and moon on right side.


  1. Nice pictures! We hope you get better! The weathermen are referring to this moon as the super moon because it is close to the Earth and so bright.


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