Friday, 26 January 2018

Crawley District Meeting:
Left to right-front row: Sister Shumway, Lund, and Wallace
Left to right-back row: Elder Armstrong, Hardy, Botta, Skeau,
Jones, Remone, and Wallace

Friday, 26 January 2018

It was the best night sleep that Clark has had for awhile. Weather report - no rain this morning!!! Hope it lasts for a few hours. We arrived at the office just a little past 8 am.  Sister Gorgas is new to the office.  Sister Gorgas is English and lives at home.  She is the most prompt person I know.  We have to get there before her so we can get our favourite parking place.  (No favourite is not misspelled.  I have an English computer that corrects all of my American English words.)  Sister Harkness came with me to clean a closed flat in East Grinstead.  It needed cleaning but was not that dirty.  Sister Harkness did the kitchen while I did the bathrooms.  We left at 10:20 am and will finish in the afternoon.  I got to drive!!! That was a wonderful bonus.  I only got honked at once in a round-a-bout.  Elder Wallace and Elder Parker went to two flats and loaded a couch, bunk beds and mattresses, and other items to move to a new flat.  We were going to do it on Saturday but the new flat wasn't ready.  We will be flexible and move on Tuesday.

Elder Wallace and I went to our first District Meeting at the Crawley Stake Centre.  Elder Botta and Elder Skaue are the District Leaders.  There was Sister Lund and Sister Shumway, Elder Jones and Elder Romero and the Zone Leaders Elder Hardy and Elder Armstong attending the meeting. Right off the Elders showed a video of all the people that have been baptised in the mission since January. We then sang 'The Spirit of God', prayed and said the mission theme.  (I am going to have to learn it)  A game was played on lines in the Missionary Handbook and the first one to tell the page got chocolate. (I will be more prepared next time)  Then each missionary companions told about who they were teaching and if they had set a baptism date.  The District then set a mission goal of baptising 3 people before transfers. We did some roll playing, sang a song and prayed and I passed out the Chocolate Chip Cookies Elder Wallace and I made the night before.

We arrived back home to have a late lunch, change our clothes and hurry back to finish the cleaning and packing. Sister Harkness and I returned to East Grinstead and  Elder Wallace rearranged and load the van.  We arrived back at the office at 4 pm.  Did office work until 5:30 pm. We had pulled spaghetti from the freezer the night before and heated it up for dinner.  I fell asleep while watching a movie and woke with a terrible headache.  We got ready for bed, I took an ibuprofen, prayers and went to bed.  It might of been a migraine because I was so sick to my stomach.  I feel so bad for anyone with headaches and migraines.

Missionaries eating cookies after Crawley Zone Meeting.
I am passing out cookies.  Not sure who took this picture.

Sister Lund and Sister Shumway while Elder Armstrong tries
to Airdrop a District Picture.
