Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Wednesday, 29 November 2017


The day started out with cutting Elder Wallace's hair.  We feed the office Elders waffles with bananas and ice cream.  Yummy!  After breakfast I cut the Elders hair.  I have to keep serving somehow.  Sister Harkness wanted me to cut her hair  after she saw the Elders hair.  She has gorgeous hair and it is one of the first time that I have said NO!  NO! NO!  I still wanted her to be my friend. 

Elder Wallace and I were in charge of the devotional.  We sand 'Joy to the World' and Elder Wallace prayed.  I talked about the 'Light the World' the church is doing and showed the preview video.  So I am challenging those that read this blog to start each day for 25 days to do 25 acts of service.  Go to the and download 'Light the World' videos.  It gives you suggestions on what you can do for those day with a short video. 

I took Sister DeArden shopping to Tesco after the devotional.  I had a few things to get for the Friday's luncheon at President Gublelr's home, Institute, and Sunday's dinner.  All the senior missionaries will be at the President's luncheon.  It isn't very often that we are all together.  We are going to kick off December.  Elder Wallace had to clean the van today and get ready for moving Elders tomorrow besides working in the office.  I was still able to get a lot of work done at the office.  Sister DeArden has been helping with the files.  I am so happy for her help.  I will miss here when she goes home the 8th of January 2018.

We got to talk to Doyles today on FaceTime.  It was so fun to see them and check out their new work station from IKEA and learn about their mission.  Thank you, Doyles, for encouraging me to write on the blog daily.  You make my day!!!

I made stew for Institute tonight.  No YSA showed up.  We decided to pray and eat dinner first instead of last.  Soon after we started eating when Erin showed up.  The lesson was almost over when Kayla came in.  We had a closing prayer and ate more stew and bread. 

We were home earlier than usual.  We said Hello to Roger as he was walking out the door to see Dr Jensen, the Dermatologist. Afterwards we had a nice visit with Edie. 
