Thursday, 23 November 2017

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Closer view of Stonehenge
Bath, England here we come.  Elder and Sister Parker, Elder Wallace and I traveled to Bath after we packed and worked in the office for a few hours.  Just after 10 am we packed the Parker's car and off to a new adventure. We drove by Stonehenge and had quick view of it.
Stonehenge in the distance. 

Salisbury Cathedral was our first stop. We toured the Salisbury Cathedral and saw one of four originals of the 1215 Magna Carta. It took over 50 hours to write out the Magna Carta, with amazingly small handwriting done with ink, written in Latin on treated animal skin called parchment paper.  I am sure that our forefathers used the Magna Carta for a blueprint when doing the United States Constitution. One of the priests delivered prayer. 
Salisbury Cathedral Sign

Image result for salisbury cathedral
Salisbury Cathedral - not my picture
Image result for salisbury cathedral
Inside Salisbury Cathedral - not my picture

This is my picture from outside the Salisbury Cathedral

My picture from inside main part of Cathedral

The stained glass windows were impressive.

Oldest working clock in the world.

Our next stop was at the Bed & Breakfast Old Parsonage House in Beckington.  We met Tim the owner of the Bed & Breakfast and settled into our rooms and set off to see Bath and the Christmas market and decorations. As we were leaving we met Jo, the wife of Tim and their daughter. Had a nice visit. We drove to a park & ride and caught our first double decker bus.  The bus took us right into Bath.  We could not believe the crowds of people.  We found the Roman Bath Museum and got our barrings.  We followed the crowd and could see small wooden buildings side by side showing there wares.  Today is the first day of the Christmas Market.  It was soooo cold.  Elder Wallace and I froze.  I stopped and bought two pair of socks for 1 pounds at the Pound Store (Just like our Dollar Store.)  I had worn the wrong kind of shoes without socks.  The socks were perfect and helped keep me warm.  We ate dinner at a place called the Chrystal Palace. I had a hot chocolate to warm me up. Sister Parker and I had hot soup and a roll.  Elder Parker had a steak pie and Elder Wallace had fish and chips.  The soup tasted so good.  Elder Wallace let me eat some of his fries, fish and mushy peas.  We love the food in England.  The middle of town had a huge Christmas tree. We looked around the town at all the little shops.  I did find a black turtle neck knit shirt at M&S. We bought a piece of salty fudge and then caught the double decker bus.   Arrived at the Old Parsonage House and tried calling kids to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving.  Didn't have time to miss them till now.  We called all the kids without any answer.  Then one by one they called us except Mark & family.  Didn't talk long but enough that we connected for a few minutes.  
Elder Wallace trying to stay dry.

We heard these singers.  They were in a Nanny College for
three years.  They reminded me of Mary Poppins.

Bath Abby at night

Bath Abby in Bath.  Centre of town.

Notice Christmas decorations and lights bridging the buildings
and shops on each side of the street.


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