Thursday, 25 October 2017

Left to right: Sister Lowery, Sister Neilson,
and Sister Leavitt, a new missionary.

Sister Lowery and Sister Wallace at Heathrow Airport.
I am Sister Lowery's last companion since we spent so
much time together today.  Love her in such a short time.

Thursday, 25 October 2017

Two months to Boxing Day in England!  Well, don't know what it is - look it up!  It will be our first time experience Boxing Day this year. 

Elder Wallace and I had quite a day.  We had another day of traveling to Heathrow Airport.  Sister Lowery from Draper, Utah was getting to go home.  She was excited and nervous with butterflies in her stomach.  That is the exact same words that Sister Zulu and Elder Vieria said yesterday.  We made great time to Heathrow #3.  Elder Wallace found and hoisted the luggage on a cart.  Sister Lowery could not find her bag with her purse. Elder Wallace, the strong man he is, put the luggage back in the car.  I called the Mission Office and Elder Parker found the bag.  Well, the race started to see if the Parkers could get to the airport before Sister Lowery had to check in for her flight.  (Now I know why they want you to be at the airport 3 hours before you leave.) Someone took our cart so Elder Wallace went to get another cart and put the luggage back on the cart. While Elder Wallace parked the car, Sister Lowery and I weighted and rearrange her bags.  She had one bag that was over weight.  After meeting up with Elder Wallace, Sister Lower and I went shopping to see how much a carry-on bag with wheels would cost.  It might be cheaper than paying for a heavy bag.  We did find something but decided to check with Delta on charges.  We returned to Elder Wallace without buying anything.  Maybe a first!!!  Then a miracle took place.  Parkers arrived with the purse and we were able to check Sister Lowery in with 15 minutes to spare.  As we were traveling home on the M25 (called Motorway known as a freeway in USA) there was a huge traffic jam going to Heathrow.  The second part of the miracle was the Parkers making it to Heathrow before the traffic got bogged up.  We see daily the Lord's hand in missionary work.

Elder Wallace is talking to his best friend, Ed Larsen while I am writing the blog.  It is so fun to hear them talk.  I was able to say hello to Linda Larsen before she left for Visiting Teaching.  Time to spend time with hubby. 



  1. Those last-minute miracles are really something! I left my backpack at home when we went on our British Isles Tour and John was able to bring it to me in time!


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