MTC Day 8

Monday, September 11, 2017

I cannot forget that 16 years ago today (2001) planes flew into the Twin Towers in New York City, NY.  I can still remember the feeling of watching it over and over again listening and watching the devastation that took place.  So in my blog tonight I want to remember those that survived and those that died.  I do love America.  And I am praying for those that have had devastation occur in their lives because of fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, other crisis that help will come for their physical needs and they will turn to the Lord for comfort.

I cannot believe that 8 days ago we entered the MTC.  We have had a wonderful day of training on the computers.  I was not looking forward to today.  A senior missionary had said to bring something to read because the classes on the computer were boring if you know the programs.  I went to class with an attitude and left very grateful that I was open to learning.  I learned some great things on each program beside working and learning IMOS, the church's computer program for missionaries.  It is wonderful.  We got to see pictures of all the missionaries in England London South Mission.  We met Elder and Sister Lewis, a senior couple, that had 14 children and they all went on missions.  Her dad was professor at BYU

Clark and I attend a FHE.  It was the same one as last week with Elder David Bednar giving a talk on "The Character of Christ".  I took notes this time and was very impressed with his talk again. We met Elder and Sister Wells tonight after the FHE.  They will be serving in England London South Mission with us. There are 120 senior missionaries that entered the MTC today.  This is one of the largest groups they have had this summer.  After FHE Clark and I strolled around the MTC to get a little exercise.  It was a beautiful evening.  We were walking hand in hand and enjoying the evening as it was dusk and the air was mild with no breeze.  It was so romantic!  We are home now preparing for tomorrow.

This is like the picture book "Where's Waldo" instead "Where's Clark".  The MTC building is the largest of the two buildings.  It is called T4 (T for teaching).  Notice the flags with words that we should develop like hope, faith, repentance...

These flags have character traits of Christ which each missionary picks one to work on.  You could say most of these traits are the values of the Young Women.

Another view of T4.


  1. For a first-time blog writer, you are doing a fantastic job! I feel like we are right there with you.


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