MTC Day 7

Sunday morning started with breakfast.  The MTC made it simple with dry cereal, muffins, fruit and juice.  At 8:30 am we attended an International Sacrament Meeting with missionaries from outside of the USA.  The missionaries provided all the prayers and music and a talk.  An Elder and a Sister were asked to give a talk without any notice.  They are encouraged to always have three talks available without any prep time.  All the departing missionaries got up and sang a song while a sister played the violin and an Elder played the piano.  Very impressive and talented missionaries.  The Senior Missionaries had Relief Society and Priesthood together.  A couple was asked to help teach the lesson from a talk by David A. Bednar "The Tender Mercies of the Lord" April 2005 General Conference.  It helped us remember the tender mercies the Lord has given Clark and I through the years. It is time to eat again.  We had lunch at 11:30 am.  We had soup and a roll and ice cream from the BYU creamery. 

Clark got his Sunday nap while I worked on the blog which I hadn't touched for three days.  

Clark and I took time out to go visit Susan Clarke, my sister, in Spanish Fork.  She has been a great support and friend through the years.  I lover her joyous personality and her love of the gospel of Christ..  She is my hero and has been a great strength to me.  

The mountains and the blue sky were a beautiful sight when we returned to the MTC.  
Notice that there are no clouds in the sky.  

It is time to eat again.  4:30 pm. We won't get dinner if we don't have eat early.  We attended a Departure Fireside for those leaving the MTC this coming week at 5:15 pm.  Then we attend a Sunday Fireside at 6:45 pm where Chad and Michele Lewis spoke.  Chad was a football player for BYU and the NFL.  Michele played BYU volleyball.  They had some great stories to tell about meeting each other and Chad talked about football and lessons he learned.

We returned to our room to call the children and finish blogging. I am getting to know Blogger better  and how to work the program.  Time for prayers, scriptures and shut eye.
