MTC Day 10

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

4:30 am was wake up time.  I am not able to sleep past 4:30 am.  I think it must be nerves!  Today has been another day of breakfast, class, lunch, class, dinner - time to walk, shop or rest.  Clark and I did drove  Elder and Sister Lewis and Sister Walker to Walmart since they had no car.  As we were entering Walmart there was a half rainbow.  Sister Walker is from Canada and has 11 children and raised 3 of her sisters children.  Elder and Sister Lewis have 14 children and all 14 have gone on missions.  Amazing women!!!   Both the Walkers and Lewis are going to Africa - Benin and Zimbabwe.  They will be the only couple in the office.  I have made friends with a sweet sister that has MS.  Sister Webb is so intelligent and has taught Seminary for 20 years.  I love her kind and caring ways and how she appreciates little kinds things done for her like opening the door to the bathroom so she can get into it with her walker.  Elder Webb and Sister Webb are going to be office specialists in Long Beach, CA.  We have met wonderful couples these past two weeks.

Tomorrow will be our last day at the MTC.  We will need to be up early to pack and get ready to return home and pack for England.

Sister Walker, Elder and Sister Lewis and Elder Wallace. Notice the rainbow above the 
Walmart sign.  

Elder and Sister Lewis, Sister Walker, Sister Wallace, and Elder Wallace.


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