Friday, 29 September 2017

Friday, 29 September 2017

Something interesting about England is the round-abouts and traffic lights.  Round-abouts are everywhere and not many traffic lights.  The traffic light will go yellow before red and then you get a yellow light before it turns green.  I like the it.  Elder Wallace is getting proficient in driving and learning the rules of the road.

We read Alma 28 this evening and read about Almas' zeal and wanting to spread the gospel.  I met Sister Thelma Prime today at the mission office.  She comes to the mission office to pick up older Ensigns.  She says she passes them at the pub she eats at.  She said it is a great to way  to start a conversation and hands them something to read.  Some people don't want it and she is okay with that.  She will take people out to lunch to discuss the church.  She has had quite a few baptisms because of it.  Sister Parker and I were talking to Sister Prime telling of her missionary experiences.  We told her what a wonderful contribution she has made.  She said, "I don't need to be praised.  The Lord blesses me."  I loved Sister Primes attitude.  What an amazing woman. Gives the Lord credit for everything.

Another day at the Mission Office. We visited the flat of Sister Little and Sister Neilsen.  They are having problems with not having a living room and the awful carpet.  It was quiet afternoon and I redid a spreadsheet for flat inspections.  Then about 4 pm the phone starting ringing non-stop.  We took a phone call from two Elders who got locked out of their house.   Several missionaries called to have supplies filled. Clark and I help log passports.  We closed the office and at 5 pm and became the janitors and cleaned the office with the help of Elder and Sister Parker.

I am falling asleep while writing the blog.  I almost fell off my chair.  Will finish in the morning!

After the janitorial job,  we hurried home to prepare dinner for the Parkers.   It is sooooo nice to live a couple of miles from the office.  Dinner was simple-potatoes with olive oil cut into small pieces and baked, green salad, fish and a roll with dessert of  Ice Cream and Oreo cookies.  We also tried Blackberry squash, a drink that delicious.  The juice is squashed out of the fruit. You have to dilute it with water.  We played 5 Crowns and Elder Parker was delighted that he won. Thank you Doyles for introducing us to the game.  Had a wonderful time with the Parkers.

We Talked to Emily on FaceTime.  She is doing good and we are so happy that Claire is getting over the hives.  NO MORE PENICILLIN for Claire!!!!

Can you tell that Elder Parker is happy!!! He smashed us at 5 Crowns.  

This is my attempt to learn how to use the selfie stick to take pictures. 
