22 September 2017

Friday, 22 September 2017

No walking today.  Laundry and frosting the brownies took the place of exercise this morning.

Elder and Sister Wells made it to England.  You could tell they were frazzled from the long trip.  We were able to have lunch with them and President and Sister Gubler and staff.  The brownies were amazing.  Sister Parker did a pasta salad that tasted so good.  I am going to get the recipe.  Sister DeArden made rolls and Sister Harkness did fruit.  Yummy lunch!  It is interesting the dynamic of coming and leaving the mission.  I hope everyone will have patience with me while I learn the job.  Elder Wallace and I had more training on cars and flats.

The highlight of today was driving a car. I did it and it felt so natural after watching Elder Wallace driving this past week.  Clark wouldn't take me driving so Elder Corbetts went with me.  He said I did very well.  Elder Corbett is a white haired older gentleman born in Wales and lives in Canada with his  econd wife.  He has a brogue accent and a funny sense of humor.  He tells wonderful stories. Here is a picture of our Hyundai. It has only 7000 miles. A fairly new car compared to our old cars we sold.  Drives like a champ on this narrow roads.  

I told Sister Leslie Bridgstone that my mattress was awful.  Her husband David had me try a mattress in their guest bedroom.  (Funny story to tell! Later!) It was better than the one we had.  David and Clark exchanged mattresses.  They had to move the mattress from a bed on the second floor of their house which is double the stairs we have at home and take the other one up. Will report tomorrow how the sleep goes.  We walk down the lane at dusk and afterwards ate a green salad with apples, carrots, avocado, cucumber, turkey, and raisins.  Pulsiphers left us salad dressing called Salad Cream.  It is a mustard vinegar type dressing.  We like Ranch better but nice to try something different.  And then we finished off the rest of the brownies from lunch.   


  1. Wow! You are so brave to go driving this early. We love your details. It's good to put them in because after a while things become common and you forget how extraordinary they are!


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