19 September 2017

19 September 2017

Sleep finally came after 1:30 am.  I set the alarm for 6:30 am.  Got up after the second snooze alarm.  I left Clark to sleep while I went for a walk.  I walked over a mile down a country road joining the Bridgstock's home.  I heard roosters, cows, birds and then saw cows and a deer.  As I was walking I saw airplanes overhead and watched the sun rise.  My prayer was that of thanksgiving for being in such a beautiful place.  It had rained last night and kept me away during the night.  I know that I will get use to the noises.  I had to avoid the potholes full of water as I walked.  The air was fresh and cool.  One black and white cow kept looking at me and the deer stayed on the road just leaping ahead to keep the distance and would turn to watch me.  What a perfect morning to exercise and contemplate God and his creations.

We made it to the office ready to help with the 26 new missionaries and 8 leaving missionaries besides all the people that had come for transfers and being new senior companions.  It was one of the biggest since last year.  We first had to meet with the recorder at the London Temple.  Brother Doughty is on the High Council and is going to be helping giving us direction with the YSA.  What a nice man.  He had a job he loved and was making lots of money when he got a call from the church to be the recorder.  It is a paid position.  They sold his wife's dream house and moved to a place closer to the temple.  He knows the Lord will bless him for the sacrifice he and his family has made.

Clark was off and I wanted to keep busy so I chopped onions (cried like a baby), green peppers and celery and helped cook 25 lbs of hamburger for sloppy joes.  There was no wifi to listen to a church talks on my phone and no one to visit with.  All I could do is think and contemplate.  Clark helped pick up missionaries and moved luggage besides helping set up the furniture for dinner.  We met a couple that had lived in Utah for 5 years and moved back to England when the market tumbled.  They know and lived by Mark and Pam Murphy.  She said that Pam had made here girls hooded towels and they are still using them.  How sweet!  We also met Sister Evan, Sabrina's roommate at BYU Hawaii.  So fun to find these connections.  We both came home exhausted. I then realized I forgot my purse.  Back to the mission office.  We were able to talk to Marjorie for a few minutes.  My wifi and phone is not getting great reception.  They have promised to fix the problem with jacks.  Clark is sleeping right now as I am finishing the blog.  We are still adjusting to the time change.  The best part of the day was meeting all the new missionaries and saying good bye to the one returning home.  Hugs were given.  The missionaries say a song to all the senior missionaries that helped with the meal.  They sang "We'll Bring the World His Truth" and at the end of the first song they sang, "thank you for our meal".


  1. You'll have to send us your address so we can look you up on Google Earth! Is the Mission Home on the same site as the temple?


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