18 September 2017

18 September 2017

First big day on the job!!! We woke up at 3:30 am and called Emily and Marjorie.  We were not able to reach our other two children.  Darn!!!  Hard time going back to sleep and then slept in till 8:15 am. We were late for our first day at the office.  We are about 3 miles away from the mission office.  Sister Corbett does not have time to train me on flats yet.  She is in charge of a lunch on Wednesday for the new missionaries and their companions.  Sister Harkness and Sister DeArden are in charge of tomorrows dinner for the new missionaries, transfers and those going home.  So.....I got to go to Costco.  Yes...there are several Costcos in England.  This picture is for Dennis Doyle.  It took us most of the day to travel to Costco, shop, return and store all the food for the missionaries meals. Sister Harkness drove while Sister Corbett helped her find the way.  I sat in the back of a Hyundai and enjoyed the sights of England.  I got to shop for a few things that we need like two new pillows to help me sleep better, mayo, brownie mix, Rice Crispys, and eggs.  First time to use English money.  I spent almost 60 pounds. All three of us did our own shopping besides for the mission.  As you can see by the picture, the two Sisters barely had room for me.  I felt like a sardine!!!  It is tradition to have a drink and hot dog at Costcos.  Who wants to  break tradition?   Yummy hot dogs!  Clark spent the day traveling in the van with Elder Corbett moving furniture.  The mission just got a new van and it was packed with furniture for the apartment of two sister missionaries.  They unpacked the furniture and set up the beds for the sisters.  Elder and Sister Pierce, the Senior Couple ordered Papa Johns's pizza for lunch.  Tastes just like Utah Papa John's pizza.  On the way home Elder Corbetts got to close to a huge lorry (large truck) and hit the van's mirror and shattered it.  One thing about the driving in England is the roads are not very wide.  You have to concentrate-really pay attention- on your driving here.  Happy that nothing terrible happened and blessed that it was only passengers side mirror that broke.  It did rattle Elder Wallace at the time.

And it came to pass-sound like something you have read-that we had dinner-soup and toasted cheese sandwiches fixing the food in new pots and pans.  I have to thank Sister Parker for purchasing the food and getting us set up for a few days.  We made a list of all the things we need to make our flat more comfortable and off we went to Homebase Hardware store and Sainsberry Grocery store.  We were so glad that I had been taught how to use the GPS to Costco.  It was big help navigating around town.  We came across Homebase by accident and pulled in and bought 3 towel rack holders and command strips to hang my quilt.  At Sainsberry we bought dish soap, napkins, cranberry-raspberry juice, and other necessities.  We realized that we only had 20 pounds to spend.  We had to put a few things back and be careful with what we bought.  It reminded me of when we were married living in a small apartment again.  Home at last for getting ready for bed, prayers, and scriptures.

England is the land of green.  I love it.  It rained again.  I think it has rained everyday since we came.

We live on an Estate owned by David and Leslie Bridgstone.  Mr. Bridgstone is retired ;police and was Queen Elizabeth bodyguard for a time and Leslie is a hair dresser and has a salon on the property.  Leslie is so nice.


  1. That does it! I'm going to Costco's tomorrow! Love these cute pictures...


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