17 September 2017

17 September 2017

Day, month, and year is how the English write out their dates like it is in genealogy.  I will continue to use this type of dates through the rest of the blog.  Clark and I woke up at 6:30 am thinking we had a great sleep when we realized it was 3:30 am.  Back to bed for more shut eye. It is a challenge to get ready for the day and remember where you put everything.

Had our first breakfast in our new place.  Sister Player stocked our frig and cupboards with a few things we might need.  We had cereal with milk, banana and OJ.  It was a very nice breakfast.  The Players picked us up for church.  All the wards start at 10 am and have their own buildings.  The ward was very nice and accommodating yet smaller than our buildings.  We went to the East Grinstead Ward.  The speakers reminded us that General Conference is in two weeks and taught us how we could learn and gain more from it.  I had a hard time staying awake for Sunday school and Clark slept during Priesthood meeting. Going a whole day with little sleep is challenging.  After church, the Parkers drove us around to see a few sights.  It gave us a better layout of where we live.  We only saw a portion of it.  We returned home at 2 pm and Clark took a nap while worked on the computer and visited Leslie and family. Pulsifers invited us over for dinner. Yummy!  Sister Pulsifer is a great cook.  It was fun spending time with them before they leave.  Clark drove them to our place to show them our Carriage Flat.  Pulsifers are giving us all their food and spices plus containers and a Christmas tree with lights and bulbs.  So we are set for the holidays.  It was so kind of them to help stock up or cupboards and pantry. We dropping of the Pulsiphers  off and walked around the temple grounds again.  I am determined to keep up the blog.  Clark thinks I am writing to much in it.  The a know at the door and Brother David Bridgstock brought us some more pillows to help me sleep better.  Please keep us in your prayers.  You are in ours!

I will try and contact Steve to get pictures on the blog.  I miss it.
