6-19 January 2019

Sunday, 6 January 2019

First day of the new schedule.  Church goes from 10-12 pm.  I was so impressed with Primary the reverence and the singing went well.  We will continue to try and do the junior and senior primary together.

Sister Irish brought her bag full of food for us.  Elder & Sister Rowley stayed the night so they could be here to help with the mission celebration.  We called and had them come early so they could eat the wonderful meal that Sister Irish made.  It tasted so good and we finished off everything.  We taught the Rowley's how to play Five Crowns and Elder Rowley picked it up quickly and Sister Rowley, and English teacher, had a hard time with it.  She could of beat any of us at Scrabble.

Monday, 7 January 2019

Big celebration for 444 disciples coming to Christ for the year.

We were up extra early getting ready for the day.  We hauled crock pots, pressure cookers, dishes, utensils and other things from the basement to feed over 220 missionaries.  Tables and chairs were set up in the cultural hall for the big day.  Sister Checketts found gold balloons in the number 4 and put 444 everywhere.  We served Costco Chili hot dogs, crisps (potato chips) carrots and celery w/ranch dip, peelers (small oranges) with onions, cheese, cream cheese.

At 10 am we gathered in the chapel and had 2 new converts give testimony about the blessing of becoming a disciple of Christ.  Very touching and President and Sister Checketts talked and bore witness to Christ and the gospel.  Afterwards the missionaries went to Natural History Museum and ice skated.  Missionaries came back and had lunch.  We heard that President Checketts had fallen and hurt his shoulder.

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Cleanup and rest from all the festivities of Monday!  Sister Ernstom has helped me with baptisms for the past year.  I was able to send the reports to 12 stake presidents and clerks.  So glad that job is done.  I can now relax.

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Anther fun filled day at the office.  I do say that Elder and Sister Ernstom can make me laugh to tears.

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Elder Ernstom bought Ben's Cookies for the Mayor of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.

Friday, 11 January 2019

Met the Mayor of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and her consortium.  Elder Wallace was on the phone talking.  The work of the Lord's is our foremost concern.

Dinner and games at Bullocks with Dransfields, Ernstoms, and us.

Saturday, 12 January 2019

The usual-cleaning, grocery shopping, working at the office.  I also made a pumpkin pie for Sunday dinner.  We had an hour to visit the Victoria and Albert Museum.  It is right next door to our building.  We have walked into the entrance a few times but wanted to visit.  Didn't have time for a tour but will return.

I love being with the love of my life.
Image result for victoria and albert museum
Victoria and Albert Muse

Instructions the The John Madejski Garden and Pool.

The John Madejski Garden
The pond is a walk in pond that can
be used pool. (a bit to cold or I would of tried it)

Amy Heaps came to London.  Amy invited us for dinner at a place called Harry's Dolce Vita. The restaurant is near Harrod's.  Thank you to Amy as it was her treat for dinner.  We walked across the street to Laduree and bought a famous coconut cookie for dessert.  Walking back to our flat we felt a light rain. 

Harry's Dolce Vita
Harry's is very posh!!!
Stopped for a famous Coconut Cookie from
Laduree.  A part of Harrod's.

Amy Heaps in the Laduree Shop.
It reminds me of a very expensive candy shop and it is!
Notice how colorful the displays behind Amy.

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Dinner at our home with the Cooks, Allreds, Baums and Amy.  We served our English dinner without the Yorkshire Puddings.  Roast, gravy, mashed potatoes, peas, carrots, rolls, and pumpkin  pie.  The dinner was delicious and the time with Amy and senior missionaries was lovely. 

Left to right:  Amy Heaps, Elder & Sister Cooke, Sister and Elder Allred,
Sister & Elder Baum, and Elder Wallace (Sister Wallace taking the picture)

Monday, 14 January 2019

It was quiet in the office today.  We had FHE for the senior couples. Made Raspberry Waffle Dessert for FHE - not a big hit - to many other dessert choices - Lemon Squares and coconut chocolate squares were a big hit.  Sister Pearce and Sister Severson made chili which I loved.   We decorated the tables with purple cloths to commemorate the renowned Purple Bed which they are CEO and inventor for the Purple Bed. We will miss the Pearce's but know that we will see them in Utah. The Pearce's have been a great support to missionaries in Staines Zone and to the YSA and Stake.

FHE and good bye to Elder and Sister Pearce-holding purple balloon.

Puff fish faces!!! 

Left to right: Bullock's, Pearce's, Williams

Elder Wallace, Dransfield's, Fawson's, Christensen's

Phillip's and Severson's - Severson's are called to be
the Mexico City Mission and Mission President & Wife.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Another day at the office!

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Two flat checks for a set of Elders and Sisters.

Elder Wallace did flat check for Elder Jeppson and Elder Wrang at Queens Gate.  The AP's Elder Nelson and Elder Rosenvall are having sever water problems in the same building.  The AP's are in the basement and a pipe has broken.  All the floors are going to have to be replaced.  I finally went home and to bed with a headache.  I did eat an egg with waffles for dinner that Elder Wallace cooked.  Went back to bed and slept.  I slept so deep and sound that I woke at 10:30 am and couldn't remember if it was morning or not.

Thursday, 17 January 2019

Elder Ernstom and Elder Wallace went to Costco while I went with Sister Dransfield to order flowers for an Embassy Reception hosted by the Church Public Affairs at the end of February.  We have to be out of the building by 4:30 pm so the building can be secured for the dignitaries.

Friday, 18 January 2019

Lunch and Temple with the departing missionaries. Elder Wallace drove one van while Elder Bullock drove the other van of missionaries.  We had lunch then a session in the London Temple with sealings afterwards.  It is the second time to be at the temple since the changes.  Brilliant! 

Dinner and games at the Christensen's.  I found out that Sister Christensen has written a cookbook called Marydale Recipes.  They owned a Bed and Breakfast on a farm.  The recipe book sells on Amazon.  They have written several books and traveled all over the world.  MaryJo is a great cook.  She makes cooking so easy.

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Woke early to find Elder Wallace hadn't slept most of the night with pain in his ankle.  We are out of our 800 Ibuprofen so I quickly dressed at 6 am and went to the office and found some ibuprofen in Elder Wallace's desk.  Returned with pain medication and gave to him and he slept till after 8:35 am.  I was able to work on the music for Primary and write on blog.  Elder woke without any pain and ready for the day.  He made eggs and waffles for breakfast with orange juice.  Always good to start off the day with breakfast.  I started my day with chocolate leftover from Christmas.  The funny thing is the chocolate didn't taste that good to me.  I need to rethink why I crave chocolate so much.

We called the Dransfields and Phillips to come to play games tonight.  Rethinking about feeding them dinner. And we did!  We had a salad bar and pizza(not anything to write about).  We served a cranberry drink that went well with dinner.  We were great hosts.  Elder Wallace was the biggest loser of Five Crowns.  I didn't do well either.  Sister Bullock brought caramel popcorn and we use the samae recipe.  I made me homesick.  We haven't used much popcorn while we have been here.  We didn't have time to play another game because I had to do transfers on the computer.  We got to find out all the changes in the mission.  We have seven missionaries.
