Saturday, 8 December 2018

 Saturday, 8 December 2018 (edited thanks to the Mary Kaye Doyle's comments 23 Dec 2018)

Early morning we got to see the Christmas lights
of Trafalgar Square

We were moving our Senior Sisters Bake and Wolfe to work in the London Temple.  This will be their third time to move.  They didn't feel like they were busy enough in the wards.  We are moving them to the London Temple to work as temple workers.  It will keep them busy and feel useful. To make a long story short- the young sister missionaries moved out of their flat to let Sister Wolfe/Bake move in a few months ago.  We are moving Robertson/Shin back to their original flat and moving Wolfe/Bake to the London Temple.

Left at 6:30 am with the van loaded with 3 boxes of Book of Mormon, things for the Christensens and Christmas presents for the Sister Robertson and Sister Shin in Gillingham.

 We first went to the Sister Shin/Robertson flat first and arrived on time. We loaded the van in record time with all their things and arrived at the senior missionaries Sister Bake and Sister Wolf exactly 9 am. We were very appreciative of Elder Freitag and Elder Allkja helping us with the luggage and boxesat both flats.  After making the exchanges and packing the van, Elders took the Robertson/Shin  with them and dropped them off at an appointment.  We said our good byes and proceeded to the London Temple.  Traffic was good and we got to see our old stomping grounds.  Sisters  Wolfe/Bake were excited to have individual flats.  They are excited and a bit nervous to work in the temple.

Sister Gorgas helped us load up the van with the last of mission things from the old England London South Mission office.  We got an IKEA stand for the Christensen's and lots of paper and office material.  Christensen's were excited and appreciative for all we have done for them.  We wanted to stay for soup but had to leave for the Lea Valley Ward Christmas Party.  We had lots of fun and very interesting food assortment.  When you entered the door of the church there was a small decorated tree, missionaries and ward members with a table of drinks and cheese and crackers. The doors to the cultural hall were closed until invited to sit for dinner. The missionaries and ward members served us plates of chicken, rice, potato salad, mac & cheese done with large pasta, rolls and veggie.  Glad to have pictures to remind me of the ward and missionaries.
Elder Deiner, Blyle, Peters

Kitchen with Lea Valley Ward members and sister
missionaries Daneinheimer and Johnson

Lea Valley Ward Christmas Party.


  1. I've read this several times and I'm still not sure what all happened. I'm not sure I understand what the sisters are doing. Are they going to be working at the temple?


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