Thursday, 1 November 2018

Thursday, 1 November 2018

November 1st!  We cannot believe how the days just go by so fast. We had another fun and busy day at the office.  Living so close to the office makes us work longer hours.  We fill the pressure of the job and spend most of our waking moments with flats, cars, rents, passports, baptism records...and today was no different. I spent the morning organizing and planning for Zone Conference lunch. I was fortunate enough to get all the baptism records recorded and work on flat files and security deposits. Sister Ernstrom is working on the flats and organizing them.  She needed some plastic labels for the file.  I got on the step stool and found a few for her.  As I descended the stool I stepped down on a box on the floor and fell again!  I felt my body being let down slowly with loving arms and while I clung to the door of the shelves the door gave way and followed ne to the floor and hit me in the head, not hard.  Another miracle and tender mercy!

 Elder Wallace and Elder Ernstrom went driving again and stopped at several Tesco's in search for turkey for Zone Conference.  We are buying frozen turkey breasts in a small foil containers that feeds 6 people.  We have no dark meat but the cutting and cleaning up will be great.  We tried out the turkey on Saturday and it was a big success.  Wallace and Ernstrom also drove to Costco to pick up supplies and paper goods for Zone Conference.

We arrived home at 6 pm to get a bite to eat.  While I did dishes Elder Wallace brought out the Christmas decorations.  Since we don't celebrate Thanksgiving here Elder Wallace got a jump on Christmas.  We were about ready to go to Stake Conference Choir practice when we got a call from President Checketts.  Two of our sister missionaries were giving a lesson at McDonald's in Walthamstow when several people with masks set off fireworks that sounded like bombs and seemed like fire.  Sister Johnson had problems with smoke inhalation from the fireworks.  She couldn't stop coughing and was taken to the Whipps Cross Hospital.  We now had our orders and were on a mission to rescue our sisters.  It took us almost two hours to get there.  We walked, took the underground, road a bus and arrived at the hospital.  The emergency is called the A&E. (Accidents & Emergencies) We located our sisters in a large room with blue curtains surrounding the room nothing else but two chairs and a tank of oxygen.  Sister Johnson was having a breathing treatment. We hugged and visited and held hands while describing the experiences of the day.  The doctor came in and got us and took us to the room you see in the picture.  Sister Johnson was cleared to go home.  She will have the cough and a sore throat for a few days. We didn't have to fill out paperwork or see anyone else or have a nurse walk us to the foyer.  We just left and grateful we could.  It was our first experience with a socialized medicine.  We were walking to the bus stop when a ward member called and said he would pick us up in 10 minutes and take us to the train station.  Another tender mercy.  The sisters came home with us and stayed the night.  We wanted to monitor Sister Johnson but she slept through the night and little coughing the next day.

Sister Johnson (Ghana)  and Sister Daneinheimer (Brazil)
Picture sent to the Checketts to show our sisters doing well.
