Wednesday-Thursday, 8-9 August 2018

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Elder Wallace and Elder Rees left at 6 am in two vans to close a flat in Havant and open a flat in Chichester.  I sent him with water, granola bars and an apple pleading with him to drink more water in these hot days. During the day we heard from Elder Rees and Elder Wallace and the progress of moving.  The flat in Havant was cleaned and everything packed in the vans by 11 am but the new flat had not received the funds and the contract was not signed.  They were suppose to move in at 3:30 pm.  Tender mercy that everything went well and Elder Wallace arrived home after 7 pm.  It was a long day of driving besides trips to the rubbish and moving the sister missionaries.  Elder Wallace called when he arrived.  I happened to still be at the office.  Dinner was at 9 pm.  Frozen pizza and a salad is all we could muster for dinner.  I don't remember ever eating dinner so late but the food tasted good to our tired bodies.

I find I don't like the days when Elder Wallace is gone but I do accomplish a lot around the house.  I cleaned the kitchen even cleaning the floor and cleaned both bathroom and dusted the floor and tidy the house.  It fills so good to have a clean flat and be organized.  I fill the blessing of the being here on a mission.  The Lord has blessed us and protected us.  Our days our full and we are happy being in the work of the Lord.  The Ernstoms have been on 4 full-time missions and one for 3 years.  She said that it is hard to go home and sit and do nothing when you know what you could be serving on a mission.  Yes I had to agree. It fills your days and weeks and consumes you with the spirit.

I am enjoying the work in the office and it is keeping me busy.  I am learning from my mistakes and hope they get fewer in the coming days.

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Writing this blog seems to be a challenge for me.  I find that I have to write it, wait to the next day to read and find all my mistakes yet I am able to fix those things.

Elder Wallace was out the door by 6:45 am to meet with Elder Rees to close yet another flat.    Surprising the two were home by 2 pm and we were able to go home for a late lunch.  The weather has cooled down and it rained on and off through the day.  I spent the day at the office cleaning and making my desk more acceptable to me and the public that sees it.  I had two large file boxes under my desk which I couldn't carry myself.  I lifted the boxes on a chair and used the chair as a cart and took them downstairs in the basement.  I always wonder what the security people think reviewing the footage of camera of the things I do.  Sister Rees and I proceeded to clean the back room.  We took the crock pots from behind her desk to the new storage room and organized things better.  President Checketts saw us carting things down to the basement and gave a funny little look but didn't ask. Smart man!  Sister Gorgas brought in her daughter, Emma, for us to meet.  I am having a hard time getting to Bridgestocks for a haircut and Emma said she would come to me.  Emma is a very tall, thin, and confident woman. She reminded me so much of Sister Gorgas which we call Sister Gorgeous!
