Sunday, 22 July 2018

Sunday, 22 July 2018

It was a hot-very hot and humid day especially at church.  A sweet sister loaned me a fan to keep cool. She even taught me how to use the fan property.  The sweat just comes from every pour in your body and the heat just soaks out every bit of strength.

The Ernstroms invited us for dinner.  They make a very odd couple where he is as tall or taller than Elder Wallace and she shorter than I am.  He has white hair and fair skin where she is dark and has graying hair.  They have been married over 30 years.  We walked to their flat which is 20 minutes from our flat.  They have a beautiful basement flat and very modernized with hardwood floor and white decor.  They served Ritz cracker chicken, fried rice, fruit, string beans, and hot rolls.  The dinner was delightful and we got to know the Ernstroms better.  We brought along Five Crowns and played two games.  Elder Ernstom is a character and is somewhat of an actor.  He uses big actions and is a delight to be around very funny sayings or quotes from plays.  Sister Ernstom is from the Philippians and a very short woman.  She is quiet and a dedicated worker.  She was a secretary to the President of USU at one time.  She is quiet and says some of the most profound things.  She has a darling laugh and fun to be around.  I love talking to Sister Ernstom and fill like I have a new friend. We are working well with them at the office.
