Thursday, 10 May 2018

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Got up early and boiled potatoes and eggs for a potato salad.   

We did two flat checks for the missionaries in Crawley.  The Elders and Sisters live in the same building.  Sister Shumway and Sister Jenkins did a terrific job in cleaning their flat.  And to our surprise Elder Harward and Elder Skaue did the best job of cleaning their flat that I have seen from them.  They are both leaving the mission at this transfer.  We will miss them.  We will be with them on Monday to help pack up the flat and clean it.  We are closing the flat after transfers on Wednesday.

Elder Wallace took a load of furniture and beds to the rubbish, cleaned out the shed and took a load of wood items to be burned at the temple maintenance area.  The temple burns wood on Mondays and said they would burn any wood items from flats. This is a tender mercy from not having to make extra runs to the rubbish. I spent most of the day in the office.  We took a late lunch so we could attend attended the 4:45 pm session at the London Temple. There were only 3 people on the session on our session.  I was the only woman. The temple always has a special spirit about it and we enjoyed the session.  The London Temple has eight sealing rooms and we were able to see all of them on the three floors of the temple. There are no words to explain the beauty of the London Temple - exquisite, brilliant, royal, majestic...hope it makes everyone want to come to the London Temple when they read the blog.  We want to serve in the temple when we return home from England.

Spent some time in the kitchen putting together the sauce for the potato salad recipe. We are going to be with all the senior missionaries at President and Sister Gublers home for a BBQ and last time meeting.  Our time is getting very short in the London South Mission.
