Friday, 25 May 2108

Friday, 25 May 2018

I remember that it is my grandfather Clarence Skoubye's Birthday today.  He was a great man and I loved him.  Joshua Clarke was born on this day also. Happy Birthday to a special nephew.

Missions are not for the weak in heart!!
I injured my foot on the door of
metal and glass door at the Mission Office.
I must say that it did hurt but did not stop
me from doing anything.
I had time to read a couple of chapters in Tad Callister's book The Infinite Atonement.  I am learning so much from his book on the Atonement.

Elder Wallace and Elder Parker went to Erith to finish cleaning out a flat, drop off keys to the letting agency and drop of a dryer to Elder and Sister Sanders in Sidcup.  Elder Wallace left early again some work done in the office and travel with Elder Parker and I stayed home to catch up on laundry and some cleaning.  Sister Harkness picked me up at 9 am.  I worked in the office until the men returned from Erith.  They unloaded the van and the Office Elders helped reload the van with bedding, a fridge, and three dressers to take to charity.  Furnistore was so excited to get the things.  She told us to come early in the morning and later in the day to avoid the traffic at the store.  We will be bringing them more things.  We came home for a bite to eat and Elder Wallace changed his clothes so we could go to the London Temple.  we returned to the office for a few hours and attended the 4:45 pm session at the London Temple which had 4 men and 4 women.  Love the session and love the peace I feel there.  We returned home to have frozen pizza and ice cream and strawberries for dessert.  We watched a Aura Teagarden Mystery and we both fell asleep.


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