Friday, 11 May 2018

Friday, 11 May 2018

Michelle Wallace Bills Birthday today. Sent her an email telling her how much we love and appreciate all that she had done for our family.  She has been a blessing to us and I miss her. I hope that she is having a wonderful day and her family is taking care of her. Enjoy the pampering!!! After emailing Michelle I put together the Grandma Wallace's favourite potato salad. Clark is such a big help in the kitchen.  It is almost a matter of who climbs over who in the kitchen.  We have very little work area.  I have found if I put the dish drainer in the other room we have another area to work from.  I am a girl that needs space.

We did a flat check in Epsom for Elder Palmer and Elder Kolbcic.  They did a brilliant job of cleaning their flat.  I felt bad that I didn't have a treat for them. Elder Palmer loves to clean and you could tell.  We talked cleaning while Elder Wallace and Elder Kolbcic talked.  We found that Elder Klobcic was sleeping on the floor when we checked the bedroom.  His bed frame was broken.  I have let the missionaries down.  We will remedy the situation the next week with things the elders need.  We piled the missionaries in our car and took them to the Espom Ward for a meeting and went off to our party.  Epsom was not far from the President's house so it made perfect sense to do a flat check before the luncheon. We were the second couple to arrive. There was lots of food and lots of talk and lots of eating.  We spent a few minutes per couple talking about the joys of our mission.  Elder and Sister Hatch talked about their youngest son who was on drugs and making wrong choices when they came out on a mission and how he has changed his life and started going to church and found a young woman to date and fall in love.  President Gubler promised us that our service on a mission was sanctified and the Lord would bless our family.  We felt like we have been very blessed and our testimonies have grown.  I told about calling our daughter Emily and they were about to say prayers and how we knelt down and prayed with them.  Connor gave the prayer and blessed us on our mission.  It was a tender and sacred moment to hear a grandson pray for us.

We drove another car to the mission presidents house to exchange with Elder and Sister Costley.  They drove the Plymouth Zone Leaders car to us and we exchanged cars at the presidents house.  We were one of the last to leave the presidents house.  Before we left Sister Gubler wanted to hear my story of falling off the house and the miracles that took place.  Yes I have a testimony of the power of priesthood and the blessing that come from it.  We talked about Elder Sly falling off the a roof 40 feet to cement and living to tell about it.  We saw him this week with his parents as he went home.  He is doing so much better that he up and walking.  We made it home by 7 pm.  Home Sweet Home.  Clark has a cold or hayfever.  While I typed on the blog he fell asleep.  I woke him up about 11 pm to get ready for bed.   After prayers we got in bed and listened to the scriptures and fell asleep.

Presdient Gubler asked all the senior couples to come into his office.
I decided it was a great time to take a picture.  We are a bunch of
happy senior couples that love to get together.
Picture of the front of Gubler's house.
The astorias were in bloom.  Amazing!!! 


  1. In France, we could hardly wait to get together with the other senior couples. We didn't care what it was, but it usually involved food or a trip to a chateau!


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