Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

I love England!!! Especially the weather and spring!  It was a lovely day as the English would say.  It was perfect weather day.  We had the door open at the mission office most of the day.  The sky was blue and hardly a breeze.  Sister Harkness and I walked around the temple grounds and she showed me the pond with fish.  The grass on the temple grounds are a lush green and the tulips are showing their colours.

I had a chance to visit with President Gubler on flats this morning.  We are at the beginning of closing flats and Sister Gorgas helped send out vacate notices to landlords and letting agencies.  I was able to catch up on some office work.  I seem to catch up and think I am on top of it when work piles up again.  Thanks to Sister Gorgas and Sister Harkness for their willingness to help.

We got up with vim and vigour this morning.  We started 20 pounds of pork to feed the missionaries at Zone Conference tomorrow.  Pulled pork sandwiches are one of their favourites.  We also decided that there was going to be enough meat to serve pulled pork for Institute.  Besides cooking I did three batches of laundry.

Institute went well and Sister Doughty taught both lessons on Mormon 1-7.  We were short a few of our regular students and hope to see them next week.  It is amazing that one or two people will change the whole dynamics of the class.  The Lord truly blesses us with what we need to achieve His work.  The only thing I know that I am so tired after Institute that I fall asleep during scripture study. 
