Monday, 23 April 2018

Monday, 23 April 2018

The alarm went off at 5:30 am.

Elder Wallace left home at 6 am to exchange a car with Elders in Holsworthy.  Elder Wallace met Elder Bluth and Elder Garnett in Exeter and exchanged cars.  The Elders had to drive an hour both ways but it saved Elder Wallace two extra hours of driving.  I kept praying for Elder Wallace's safety since I didn't go with him.  I was so thankful that I could stay behind and get some work done.  We were going to have staff meeting at 1 pm but postponed it to 1:30 pm so Elder Wallace could be there.  He finally called to say he was about an hour away from the office.  We decided to start the staff meeting because President and Sister Gubler had other commitments later in the day.  We started off with the calendar.  We have lots to do before the closing of the mission. Elder Wallace arrived back to the office at 2 pm.  It was a great relief to see him. 

 After work Elder Wallace spent time working on his driving tests while I prepared dinner and cleaned up.  It will be a big relief when he passes. 
