Wednesday-Thursday, 7-8 March 2018

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

We spent the better part of the day at the office.    Today was a bit slower than normal at the office so I took advantage of working on my lesson at the office.  I was able to print out some handouts for YSA.  We came home for lunch at 2:30 pm.  I stayed home to work on my lesson while Clark returned to the office.

We taught Institute while Sister Doughty did all the food preparation. Sister Doughty made chili wraps with strawberries and drinks. We brought some store bought cookies.  I taught the lesson on the Beatitudes in 3 Nephi 12-14 and Clark taught 3 Nephi 15-17 about the lost sheep and Christ fulfilling the law.  I always fill inadequate in teaching but the spirit always compensates for my weakness.  Clark is a wonderful teacher and the YSA were attentive and responsive. There was just a sweet feeling.

Thursday, 8 March 2018

I took a picture of the menu to
what we had for lunch when the
cashier started pulling funny faces.
Tony and Carol Pearce
The Purple Mattress people. I will be
forever in their debt for letting me sleep
on the Purple bed. 
Elder & Sister Wallace

We were up and going early.  We went into the office to read emails and load the van with tools and a few supplies for flats and off to London to meet Elder and Sister Pearce at a flat in Catford.  We left the office at 8:30 am and didn't arrive till 10:30 am.  We only had to drive 25 miles but traffic was congested.  It is like that all the time the closer you get to London.  We did stop off to buy area rugs for two flats.  Pearces were already at the flat.  We hauled off two mattresses and a bed frame and left one of the area rugs.  They had four area rugs that were in great condition but a past missionary had put them outside.  They wanted them hauled off but instead we are going to call a carpet company to clean them.  We followed the Pearces to the sister missionaries in Crystal Palace and took a metal bunk bed and gave them single metal frames for their mattresses.  They had been sleeping on the floor.  The bedroom looked so nice because they could put their luggage under the beds and have more space in their room.  We followed the Pearces again to a store called Aldi.  The Elders in Crystal Palace had two mattresses and an old vacuum but nowhere to park a van.  We had them carry the mattresses at Aldi.  The only problem was we lost sight of the Pearces and it took us an extra 20 minutes to locate Aldi.  The traffic is so congested and with so many people I feel claustrophobic.  We followed the Pearces back to their house while we parked the van and they took us in their car and drove us to have lunch.  The place they wanted to eat was closed and we found this great place down the street called Cafe Carthage.  Three of us had couscous, vegetables and lamb while Clark had a bacon, chicken and avocado sandwich. (the #1 sandwich of people that come from the USA)!)  The lamb was wonderful!  It must of been a leg of lame because the bone was still in it.  We had a wonderful visit with the Pearces and we drove off in the van hoping to get home by 4 pm.  We arrived home at 5:30 pm.  Just enough time to fix a green salad and make a 6 pm dinner appointment with Elder and Sister Davis from South Carolina.  They are living at the Accommodations. They have one of the larger flats in the building. It reminded me of our flat with everything in one room. She made a scrupulous cream chicken and vegetable soup with buttered baguette slices.  She made the soup with yogurt and skim milk.  After dinner we played two games of SkipBo and then we taught them how to play Five Crowns.  Clark was the winner and I had the highest points (I didn't want to say loser!) We had a wonderful time and will do it again.  The Davis' are temple missionaries here for a six month mission.  They have six children and 21 grandchildren.

We were able to talk to the Doyles while driving home in the van.  We were so happy to hear that Dennis' procedure went well and Mary Kaye lazer treatment and heart appointment went well.  We also talked to Marjorie for a few minutes while she and Addie were at the veterinarians getting shots for Teddy.


  1. We had an Aldi in Geneva, but only went there once or twice. Are you sure that leg was "lame"? Maybe because it was cut off..... :-)


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