Saturday, 3 March 2018

Saturday, 3 March 2018

We cleaned the flat, washed clothes, cleaned the office, went to the bank in East Grinstead, shopped at the Farmers Market and Iceland.  We drove to Farnborough to give a set of keys and other kitchen items to Elder Werle  from Germany and Elder Mort(?) from Finland.  The place had been the sister missionaries.  The last sisters didn't know they were leaving for good and the place was not in good condition.  The missionaries had cleaned and organised the flat. I did help wash dishes a few cupboards and Clark and Elders loaded rubbish in the van.  We were going to take the bunk bed but the Elders decided they wanted to keep it.  Clark missed a step and fell with an arm load of rubbish.  He took an ibuprofen on his way home because he could feel some aches and pains coming on.  It was a tender mercy that he didn't get hurt and having medication and water to take immediately.

We made a a pot of soup in the InstaPot before we left to Farnborough.  We had soup and green salad for dinner.  It was good to come home to a hot dinner.  We spent the rest of the evening reading and studying our lessons for Institute, finished laundry and ironing besides starting our fast.

Lovely Day!


  1. We heard that you will switching to the Birmingham mission and have a different assignment. Does this mean you will have to leave your flat and move? Sorry to hear about Clark's fall and hope that he wasn't too badly hurt.


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