Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Happy Valentines Day!  Our first Valentines in England!

Before haircut - Elder Neunedorf
Not much difference in the pictures but
Elder Neunedorf is happier with a haircut. 
After haircut - Elder Neunedorf
Last haircut I will give him.  He
is going back to Germany in 13 days.
He stayed an extra 6 weeks to help at the office. 
Office Elders came for a Valentine breakfast of waffles, blueberries, syrup and ice cream with orange juice to drink.  We ate our breakfast before they came because they were late. I didn't think the missionaries could eat all the waffles but they did.  Afterwards I cut their hair.

Before haircut - Elder Pendleton
Okay - He need a haircut bad.  I cut both these
Elders hair 2 months ago.  Such handsome men!!!
After haircut - Elder Pendleton
He will use a bit of hair lotion that will help
lay it down a bit.

A full day of moving mattresses, frames and refrigerators.  We drove to Mitcham in Wandsworth Zone.  The Elders have been sleeping on blowup beds since the bedbugs.  Elder Brown and Elder Rosenval were so appreciative of the beds.  They kept thanking us.  We drove to the Staines Chapel and met Elder and Sister Madden.  The guys removed the fridge Elder Wallace dropped off last week because it didn't work.  You have to wait up to 24 hours before plugging in the fridge because of the gas in the fridge.  I told that to Elder Wallace last week and he didn't believe me until today a worker from the temple told him it was 8 hours before plugging into the electrical plug.  We said our goodbyes and drove to Costco to pick up a few things for the sisters and us. 

Returned back to the office to finish working at 5 pm.   When I returned home my sweetheart had bought me flowers for Valentines Day.  Elder Wallace washed the potatoes while I wrapped them in foil and placed them in the oven for Institute.  We made it to Insitutite on time.  The YSA loved the baked potato with chilli, cheese, and sour cream.  Sister Doughty brought delicious treats - chocolate dip with fruit and chocolate hearts and roses for everyone to take home.  The young men said for the girls to take them.  I got three pink roses.  Got home late and called Emily, Dad, Lynne, and Dee.  We talked to Mark and Nanette earlier in the day.  Where was Marjorie???  Emily is over the flu and feeling much better. 


  1. I need a haircut! When are you free?

  2. I could tell you're getting acclimated when you said "hair lotion". Aah, I miss England!


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