Friday, 16 February 2018

16 February 2018

Today we are headed off to Portsmouth for Senior Conference.  We packed and cleaned the flat and got ready for the day.  I was in need of a pair of new jeans.  I called Sister Harkness and she went with me.  We decided to go to Sainbury where I found the perfect pair of black jeans and blouse and they were 25% off.  Wow!!! And we found it in such great time.  We did stop and look for new walking shoes for me but couldn't find any I liked.  Will order some on line.  We are driving another car to conference so we can exchange cars.  We will exchange for another car that needs to be fixed.

The Parkers and the Wallaces on another adventure.  We love travelling with the Parkers.  Elder Parker was on a mission and served in Portsmouth and introduced us to the Portchester Castle  built in the 1100 century. It was used as a prison camp at one time and has changed hands with the French several times.  Do we even have any building over 1000 years old in America?  For lunch we brought granola bars, apples and carrot sticks. Elder Parker drove and we talked all the way to our destination.

Portchester Castle is a medieval castle built within a former Roman fort at Portchester to the east of Fareham in the English county of Hampshire. It is located at the northern end of Portsmouth Harbour. Probably founded in the late 11th century, Portchester was a baronial castle taken under royal control in 1154.
This is the entrance into the Fort.
We are amazed at the age of the Portchester Castle.
The Parkers and Elder Wallace walking
through the grounds of the castle.
Notice a church behind them.
I love taking pictures of Elder Wallace and our adventures.

I love the churches of England with their
cemetery and gravestones.  They are still
using the cemetery.
We arrived at the Priemer Hotel at about 4 pm and saw several of the other senior missionaries.  We had room 109 and were very pleased with the room.  The king size beds in England are the size of our queen size beds.  It looked so small since we are sleeping on a super king from America. I was thrilled to find the room had a bathtub.  I was hoping for a few minutes to bath before dinner but it didn't happen.  We quickly got dressed and left for the Hamble River Church.  When Elder Wallace dressed he found he forgot his white shirt and socks.  (I will be more careful with packing him next time!)  Tucked behind two houses on a main street was the church.  It is was a reminder to me that we are not in Utah anymore.  The churches and parking are much small here. 

 It was so good to see all the senior couples. Elder Madden forgot a tie and Elder Parker had a suit coat and a different pair of pants and Elder Wallace made quite the threesome. Everyone came to the conference except the two sisters in the office.  We met in the chapel and had a song, prayer and President Gubler talked about Christ and his atonement and what it meant to him.  He turned the time over to us and we each talked for a few minutes on a song, scripture or quote that meant something to us about the Savior and the Atonement.  We presented the song, "I Stand All Amazed" and how that song has influenced our lives.  It was a special night of testimony and feeling the sweet spirit.  Dinner was served at 8 pm.  A chicken breast on top of noodles with marinara sauce, bread and cheese cake for dessert. Yummy!

Elder Wallace forgot his white shirt and socks.
Glad I brought a few pairs.
Connie do you recognise the socks?
You gave them to me for Mother's Day.


  1. I once forgot to wear a tie to an early morning high council meeting and was roasted. They never let me forget it!


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