Tuesday-Wednesday, 2-3 January 2018

Tuesday, 2 January 2017

It is awful being sick.  Tried keep going!  We had to meet Sister Leavitt and Sister Gates at their flat at 8:30 am.   They were having a repairman come to fix a door knobs, light fixtures, curtain rack, small paint job.  They cannot be left alone in the flat with any male person.    Repairman finished quicker than expected.  We were able to leave by 10:30 am.  While at the sister missionary flat, Elder Wallace and I cleaned out a closet for them and took the clothes and other things left by past missionaries.  They were so happy to have a place for their luggage.  I was going to come back another day but I realized I had the time to do it now and save a trip.  Better to keep on going than think how awful you feel. 

We took the new PC in to a place called The Computer Studio in East Grinstead.  He is wiping the computer clean besides re-installing Windows 10 and putting Office 365 on the computer for us.  We also dropped off the clothing from the flat to the Red Cross.

Home to rest!

Wednesday, 3 January 2017

Still not well.  Elder Wallace and I arrived at the sister missionary flat in Addlestone by 8:15 am.  Sister Bradshaw is going home a few weeks early so she can attend BYU.  Instead of bringing her back to the office, we let her stay one more night with her companions, Sister Cryer and Sister Loefke.  The first thing the sister missionaries told us when we arrived was the Prophet-President Monson passed away.  We talked about the Prophet and shed a few tears.  We didn't have much time to wait a round.  Said a prayer, put luggage in car and took pictures.   You could tell how much the sisters loved each other.  I stayed away not wanting to get them sick.  Sister Bradshaw said she had already had it. I took pictures of the girls and will send them to the Bradshaws in St. George.


Sister Bradshaw is in the middle with Sister Leafke and Sister Cryer 

At Heathrow Airport with Sister Bradshaw

After leaving the airport Elder Wallace and I went to Kingston to find a flat for some missionaries.  I need to find it soon and having problems.   We met with the Maddens who set up the appointments. We saw wonderful flats but only one with one bathroom.  We did see a flat with 2 bathrooms but not quite what we wanted.  We scheduled Saturday to go again to Kingston.

We arrived back at the office and met Sister Gorgas, a new sister missionary.  She is being trained by Sister DeArden who is going home on the 8th of January.  I will miss her soft spoken ways and love and generosity.  Answered a few emails and Elder Wallace drove the van to East Grinstead to load boxes from the Blodgetts flat to take back to the Visitor Centre.  I went with him just in case he need some help. We had a tender mercy occur and thank our Heavenly Father for having the lift (elevator) working.  It has been out for over a week.  It took only a few minutes to load the boxes.  The Blodgetts lived on the 6th floor and we would have had to carry these huge boxes down all the stairs.

Elder Wallace took me home to rest. Yay!  Nothing feels as good a bed when one is sick.

The computer guy, Peter called and said he couldn't use the password into Microsoft.  To sick to work it out before the computer office closed.  Will figure it out tomorrow.  Slept most of the early evening hours and was awake part of the night.


  1. Sorry to hear about your being sick. It is very hard to stay in bed and do the things you would normally do to get well because you feel you have to finish your work. Did you get the phone message I sent you about Pres. Monson? I sent it to the number you gave us.


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