Monday-Friday, 15-19 January 2018

Monday, 15 January 2018

Elder Wallace and I were off early to take a bunk bed the sister missionary threesome in Camberley.  The Sister missionaries were very appreciative.  Sister Larsen has been sleeping on a mattress on the floor.   Sister Larsen is being transferred in the morning and will only have one night on a bed.  After we got the bunk bed situated, we travelled to Costco to pick up dinner for the missionaries for Tuesday night transfers.  We are getting pretty good to find our way around and when we make a mistake we know how find the first turn-a-round and correct our course.  For lunch we had a Costco hot dog and drink.  Made it back to the office to work for a short time and then home. We spent the evening preparing for Institute.  I visited Lesley Bridgstock to see how she was doing from her operation.  We returned the keys to 52 Manning to the Leaders Letting Agency in East Grinstead.  Yes - one flat down with three more to go.

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Transfers today!  Clark made many trips to Lingfield Train Station and Gatwick Airport.  I also drove one time to Lingfield and spent half the day preparing dinner for the missionaries.  We served meatballs and BBQ over rice and green salad and rolls with cookies.  I spent time with a sister missionary that was having panic and anxiety attacks.  She is going home tomorrow.  Sister Harkness, bless her heart, let her stay with her during the night.  Sister Harkness has a tender heart and a loving spirit.  She has worked with many people with mental issues and has a keen understanding on how to help them.  We took the sister to pick up Elder Sharp at Gatwick.  She seemed so much better with the ride in the car and a visit with President Gubler.

Sister Ung going to Jersey.  We were told she could arrive an hour before the flight.
We found out the next day she missed her flight and had to go on a later flight.
It will not happen again!!! 2 - 3 hours before flight at the airports.

We picked up Elder Sharp from Gatwick in the evening.
He was going to be a new zone leader in Wandsworth.
His name describes him - he is a very sharp missionary.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Continuation of transfers!  Same as yesterday except I spent part of the morning preparing for lunch.  We served chicken sandwiches, chips, carrots sticks, fruit and ice cream floats.  Elder Wallace continued to transport missionaries in the late afternoon to the train station.  Elder Parker hired a transport to Heathrow Airport because of all the missionaries who were going home.

Institute!  We took the leftover meatballs and rice, rolls, salad, and cookies to Institute.  The Lord blessed us in teaching the lessons at Institute.  Elder Wallace went first and taught Alma 17-22 and I taught Alma 23-29.  You could feel the spirit so strong as questions were answered and a wonderful discussions.  Everyone participated.  We had Brother Lewis over the Area Institute Director, Brother Eliott who was called to teach Seminary, Sister Doughty, Charlie, Jacob, Diago, Alice (got her mission call to Italy), and Eryn. (I will take pictures next Institute)

Sister Evans and myself at the mission office.  Sister Evans is going to be a trainer.
She came out the same time we did and she has just blossomed as you can see.
Sister Evans knows Sabrina Wallace. That is our connections. (I need my fringe cut. Bangs in US)

Thursday, 18 January 2018

We were int he office most of the day.  We did go and check out Sister Leavitt and Sister Neilson's flats.  They did a pretty good job cleaning but found lots of food in the cupboards and fridge/freezer.  We took two bottles of peanut butter (one unopened that we gave the sisters a few months ago) and will give them to the missionaries in Crawley.  We returned to the Leaders Letting Agency to return a parking sticker for 52 Manning.  We also finished cleaning the closets and taking one vacuum from 57 St Leonards.  Just some final cleaning and we are through with the flat.

We had to opportunity to go the London Temple.  We had a wonderful session with only four people.  I was the only woman.  We were able to go on the 4:45 pm session and got home to find out that the WiFi was not working.  My plans got foiled again!  The WiFi has not been working great.  One of the reasons for not writing the blog this week was being exausted.  I am still getting over the flu and cough.  I am sleeping so well on the Purple Bed. 

Friday, 19 January 2018

We went to Crawley first thing this morning doing two flat inspections from the sisters and elders.  Inspections went well.  Elder Botta and Elder Skaue were new to the flat and the area.  We brought the elders some pots and pans and a blender.  We found out they need better mattresses.  The past elders didn't clean the place as good as they should off.  I have to mention the sisters, Sister Lund and Sister Shumway did a great job cleaning. (We had been to this flat last week and cleaned out the closet for them.)  I asked how their vacuum was.  They said great but it didn't pick up very well.  LOL!  The vacuumed was clogged and I showed them how to clean the vacuum and wash out the filter. The vacuum was up and running better than ever.  We find the missionaries don't know much about cleaning and emptying vacuums. The elders had two vacuums.  We cleaned out one and took the other vacuum with us. They will clean the filter and also know more about vacuums than they wanted to.

We returned back to the office and worked for several hours.  We went home for lunch and change our missionary clothes to work clothes.  We have four flats closing in East Grinstead.  We arrived at 57 St. Leonards in East Grinstead to have our last cleaning.   We cleaned as best we could but need to go back one more time to clean mould in the bathroom.  Mould (mold)is awful in England!!!  I am really careful with cleaning our shower and drying it out on a daily bases.  We proceeded to another flat, 2 Rudges in East Grinstead.  Elder Wallace prepared the bunk bed to move and I cleaned out the food in the flat.  We took the freezer food and pancake mix over to Elder Neuendorf and Elder Pendleton.  We proceeded to do a flat inspection on their flat.  They have only been in the flat for 2 weeks.  It is on the third floor (really 4th because the ground floor is 0 floor)  and a great flat with 2 bedrooms and 2 baths.  It will be a good flat for them.  I need to do a flat packet for them but everything is in tip top shape.

We returned back to the office and worked until almost 6 pm.  We went out to dinner with the Parkers and the Maddens to Lingfield for Tai food.  We talked about how we met and our family.  We love these missionaries.  They are hard working and dedicated to the work of the Lord.  We had a wonderful visit and Maddens returned to our place to play 5 Crowns.  I had a zero score for 7 hands and went from first to almost last.  I had only two games that I had points that put me in second place at the end of the games.  Sister Madden came in first with Elder Wallace last again.  The Maddens are so much like us.  They love to play games.  I find that we are so much alike.  The Maddens are from Oregon with 5 children. 

Parkers at the end of the table with the Maddens in the middle.
I can't for get us at the other end of the table.

Fancy Food.  Sister Parker is the one that loves to try new food.


  1. Every time I read your blog and hear about all the moving and cleaning and replacing, I get tired! And then there's the cooking! The Lord certainly knew whom to send when he picked you two! I do wish your phone had a flash or something, because sometimes those pictures are dark...


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