Saturday-Sunday, 25-26 November 2017

Saturday, 25 November 2017

Today was not as exciting as the last few days.  We did grocery shopping, laundry, ironing, cleaning and I even baked Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies.  I was pleased with the taste and look of the cookies. The Bridgstock clan loved the cookies.  Elder Wallace vacuumed and dusted while I spent a few minutes on the blog.   We even went to the London Temple for a session.  We spent some time preparing for Institute on Wednesday night.  We are teaching Enos-Mosiah 1-3.  Not feeling great, experiencing an upset stomach and headache. I stayed home while Elder Wallace to hear a choir from Wales sing at the Visitors Centre.  I was able to visit with Nanette.  Love my girls!!!

Sunday, 26 November 2017

 Still not feeling great.  We did make it to Sacrament Meeting and came home.  Rested and drank lots of water and feeling much better.  Felt so much better that we hosted Sunday dinner for the Seamans and the Murdocks.  The Murdocks came in a week ago to work at the London Temple.  It is their second mission here.  They are from Logan, Utah.  We had so much fun talking and visiting.  (darn - no pictures)  Dinner was wonderful.  Roast w/mashed potatoes and gravy, cauliflower, carrots, and peas with cheese sauce.  It was a hit.  Lots left over for lunch and dinner this week.  Sister Seamans brought a fruit salad.  Dessert was a frozen rhubarb crumble w/ice cream. 

Clark informed me that Light the World starts on the 1st of December.  I will restart Light the World on Facebook till December 1st.   We had a wonderful talk with Nanette and Marjorie and family.  Love my girls so much.

We read on Facebook that Tim Shaw's father, passed away.  We love the Shaw family and will miss Brother Dick Shaw.  I loved talking to Dick when he came to visit.  Heaven just received a valiant and dedicated soul.  He will be missed.  We got to visit Jan and Stewart on FaceTime.  Yes - we are bit homesick.
