Monday-Tuesday, 27-28 November 2017

Monday, 27 November 2017

Elder Wallace and I arrived at the office at 7:30 am.  We wanted to get some work done before the phones start ringing and people visiting.  We left the office at 5:30 pm to prepare for YSA.  I made the best lettuce salad.  One thing they don't eat much here is lettuce salad.  I made it with apples, grapes, carrots and two kinds of lettuce.  It looked so good and was good.  We drove to Brother and Sister Doughty's house and watch "Face to Face with the YSA"  Elder Oaks and Elder Ballard were the guests speakers and spent most the time answering questions.  They had over 4000 questions and complied them into topics to try and address many of the questions.  The YSA ate hot pizza from Pizza Hut after the fireside.  Made us feel like we were home.

We got home late and tumbled into bed.  So much for blogs.

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

We arrived a little later today at the office - 8 am.  I arrive ready to accomplish the work at hand and leave wondering if I will ever get ahead of the game.  I am enjoying what I am doing.  I looked at the clock at 1:30 pm and told Elder Wallace we needed to go home for lunch.  We had leftovers from Sunday dinner - cauliflower with cheese sauce and potatoes with gravy.  Yummy leftovers.  The cauliflower was like a thick soup but was so tasty.  We returned back to the mission office. We had a Ritz crackers, cheese and an apple for dinner.  Went to the London Temple.  Came home and talked to Mark and Connie. Clark talked to Dennis Doyle for a minute and Ed Larsen.  Emily called us and we got to see and say hello to Betty Shaw, Bette Brown, Marilyn Butterfield, Jeanette Ochenhirt, and KLynn Johnson.  YES I AM HOMESICK!  It has been a blessing to be on a mission.  I am learning so much and it is strengthening my testimony and making me stronger in so many ways. 


  1. I tried to call you back twice, but it says "Ellen Wallace is not available for Facetime." It sounds like you are eating well! You guys are such a blessing to this mission. You will have so many pictures and stories for us when you return!


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