Friday, 24 November 2017

Friday, 24 November 2017

Lots of pictures to show today.  We went back into Bath to see the Roman Bath Museum, walked and shopped and bought.  Pictures will tell the story of our day.  We had the most amazing breakfast at the Bed & Breakfast.  It started with Hot chocolate, a little fruit and pastry roll.  The breakfast was served with bacon, sausage, egg, tomatoes and mushrooms.  After another cup of hot chocolate I was ready for the day. We thanked Tim and Jo for the wonderful time and walked from The Parsonage House  to a nearby church called St. George's Church.
The Old Parsonage House -
Sunrise looking out of our bedroom window.

The day was overcast with clouds part of the day.  Not a great day for pictures at St. Georges's Church.

Image result for st. george's church in beckington Image result for st. george's church in beckington
These pictures were taken off the internet.  I don't want to forget this place.

Chapel at St. George's
Cemetery at St. Georges Church
St George's Church just a few yards from Bed & Breakfast.

St. George's Chruch
Stained glass windows in most of the Chapels.
Cast Iron Headstone at St. Georges Church

 We decided to go see  Nunney Castle on the way to Bath.  It is not as big as some of the castles we have been to but interesting. Nunney. Castle was built 1370 by Sir John de la Mare.  It was renovated in the late 1600's and used by the King during the Civil War and quickly fell by the Parliamentarian cannon in 1645. 

I hope you can make the picture bigger
and read all about Nunney.
Can you see where the cannon hit
Nunney Castle?
Nunney Castle
View of moat and view from Nunney.
Moat at Nunney Castle.  Water got
a fungus in it and killed all the fish. 
We have to get in the photos somehow.
while visiting Nunney Castle.

We made it to the Park & Ride in Bath and enjoyed the day seeing the Roman Bath Museum and shopping and eating fudge and sharing a Bratwurst (sausage like a hot dog on a bun).  We bought a few Christmas decorations for the flat.  We had a lovely time with the Parkers.  (Another word they use a lot of is brilliant! Especially if you thought of a great idea.)

Parkers arriving at Bath on Friday! We are happy it is not raining.

Inside double decker bus. Pink railings!
Humility is not great for hair. 
How does the gold man statue stay like that for
such a long time?

Lots of stores and lots of trinkets to sell. 

Entertainment was day and night!  
Roman Bath
Looking down at one of the Roman Baths.

Romans put famous statutes around the Bath Building. 
Notice my famous human statute!

The Haruspex Stone - you could see cuts from
sharp objects in the stone.

It took two hours to walk all around and in and out of the Roman Bath Museum.  There were many more baths for cleaning and soaking and steaming.

Metal Christmas ornaments

Metal angel


  1. Yep, reminds us of our trip there. Good commentary and pictures!


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