Saturday, 21 October 2017

Saturday, 21 October 2017

I had the best night sleep I have had while in England.  Hope it continues.  We did take drugs (ibuprofen) the night before.  I think it was the workout from helping the sisters the night before.  Lots to do today.  I cleaned the bathroom and kitchen and ironed white shirts and did a load of laundry.  Elder Wallace did finances and helped with dishes.  HUMMMM!!! I think we need to divide the work better.  Work done we are ready for another Saturday adventure with Elder and Sister Parker. The Parkers picked us up at 9:30 am sharp!  It took us about an hours drive to get to our destination.  We drove by lush green lands with grazing sheep and cows.  It is interesting to note that England people plant vines to get hedges along the roads.  We wondered how they cut the hedge and saw a tractor with a large arm cutting the tops of hedges.  Good to know! 

We went to Arundel Castle, Stately Home & Gardens in Arundel, West Sussex.  It is a working castle meaning that the family still lives there and holds dinner parties and weddings.  There was a wedding last year of one of the sons.  It was amazing.  We spent the day seeing the differnt of  Arundel.  We are confused on the name.  Today at Church a sister says it is called A-run-del.  She burst out laughing at me when I called it Erin-del.  (I am having a hard time down loading pictures. Will do it as soon as I can.) :(  (YEA!!! Pictures)

History from Wikipedia - Arundel Castle is a restored and remodelled medieval castle in Arundel, West Sussex, England. It was established by Roger de Montgomery on Christmas Day 1067.[1] Roger became the first to hold the earldom of Arundel by the graces of William the Conqueror. The castle was damaged in the English Civil War and then restored in the 18th and 19th centuries.[2]
From the 11th century, the castle has served as a home and has been in the ownership of the family of the Duke of Norfolk for over 400 years. It is the principal seat of the Norfolk family. It is a Grade I listed building.[3]

We were able to see Arundel off in the distance.  It's an amazing sight to see.  I couldn't get my camera up and going in time for a picture.  We got there before the castle opened.  We walked to the grounds, saw the church, more like a tomb and toured the Keep before the tour began.  A Keep is the oldest part of the castle built in 1067.   We toured the castle for two hours.  There was so much to see and take in.  The castle has the largest collection of furniture in the 1600's.   

Tomb for an Duke

This tomb depicts what the person looked like in life and
now what he looks like in death.  No matter what station in
life we have we all end up the same in death. One of the fewest
available.  (sorry can't remember what it is called)

This is Helen telling us about the history of the church.
It is a tomb more than a church.  They still use it.
The last funeral was in 2013.  

Love Clark's expression!

 A few roses left in the Rose Garden.
Thank you Bridgstocks!  They loaned us
the rain jackets. We needed them.

A few of the last flowers of autumn.

The Earl's crown  up in the air by water fountain. Notice behind the fountain.  Background
of  all kinds of shells.  

We called it the stump garden.  Lots of dead tree stumps.

The weather was something to contend with.  It would be beautiful with blue skies then the wind blew strong bringing dark clouds and rain and within 10 minutes it stopped raining.  There was high winds from the tail end of a hurricane.
Sight-see and food always go together.  We stopped at The Burger Shop Co.
and had the burger I have since being in England.  
It was the best tasting burger!!!
Clark and I split a burger and chips.  Parkers did the same.
 Finished seeing the town by visiting a few antique stores and visiting a Catholic Cathedral town.  The Cathedral had choir singers performing.  We stopped to watch for a few minutes.  They were trying to find members to join.  No pictures - no power in camera!  Elder Parker took us to the beach along the English Channel.  The winds were so strong - possibly 50-60 miles an hours.  We could hardly stand.  Walked to the edge of the water than quickly back to the car. 

On the way home Elder Wallace and I found out that the van was back.  We called Sister Little and Sister Neilsen to pick up broken bunk bed.  We had a van of extra stuff from their place.  They were so excited to get rid of pillows, exercise bike, bed and one mattress.  Busy day and happy with all we are learning and seeing.


  1. Denny read aloud o me while I ironed! Glad you have the Parkers to go places with!


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