23-25 October 2017

Monday, 23 October 2017

We received our first letter in the mail.  How exciting!  Thanks Dad and Lynne for the letter.  It was so fun to learn what is happening in your lives. I, also got visit with my friend Bette Brown on FaceTime.  I love her. Will FaceTime anyone on ipads or iphones and hangout on android.  Let us know if you want to communicate.

We went back to the VC Sisters flat and brought them two chairs and took the broken bunk bed and one mattress plus odd items to throw away.  Wow!!! Missionaries are so appreciative of whatever you do.

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

We heard that Mary Kaye was in the hospital. We are so glad to know that she is alright.

New missionaries and transfers means a busy day for everyone.  Elder Wallace took two missionaries to the airport.  They were leaving the mission early for different reasons.  He had to be at the mission office at 8 am.  I decided to go in early to the office to see if anyone needed help.  Elder Wallace can now go to Lingfield Train Station without the GPS.  Coming home not quite as comfortable.  I told him to go left when we should of gone right.  It took us another 17 minutes to get back on track which should of only taken 7 minutes.  Elder Wallace went to Gatwick Airport twice and three times to Lingfield.  I was a missionary companion with Sister Zulu for a while.  I spent part of the day helping to prepare enchiladas for the missionaries dinner and the other half working on flats.  We served fruit, fried beans, and cake for dessert for dinner which was a big success.  Sister Harkness makes a mean cake.  I tried to help as much as possible but I had to be with Elder Wallace to pick up and drop off missionaries.

The funnest thing that happened was going to Lingfield twice to pick up Sister Steed's companion and not finding her.  She finally got a call on our second visit to Lingfield that her new companion was in Crawley Train Station.  We quickly drove to Crawley, drove the sister missionaries to their flat, took them to their dinner appointment and drove to Gatwick to pick up Elder Vieria who is finishing up his mission and going home from serving in Jersey.  We got there in plenty of time but couldn't find the flight he came in on.  It was not on the arrival board.  We called the office and talked to the Elders about it.  The next arriving plane from Jersey was coming in an hour.  We decided to check the arrival times before going to the car.  As we headed back there was Elder Vieria. He had found us. It was truly a tender mercy.  Elder Vieria made it back for Testimony Meeting with all the other missionaries that were leaving.  Elder Vieria even got dinner before the meeting..   Elder Vieria is from Brazil and is 24.  He has had a girlfriend for 8 years and is getting married in December.   We arrived home happy and filled know we had done some good. 

It is a wonderful time when we can visit through FaceTime! Thank you Emily and Mark.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Another day at the office at 8:00 am.  We wanted to be ready to help with the missionaries breakfast and lunch.  Sister Parker is in control of the meals.  Chicken sandwiches, crisps (potato chips), carrot sticks, beans and ice cream cones and cake for dessert.  Breakfast was a brown bag full of goodies like an apple, juice, muffin and granola bars. Sister Parker is really organized and had everything under control.  I had to help with lunch cutting up tomatoes and lettuce which several missionaries took over my job.

The mission office was filled with suitcases and bags.  It was hard to find my desk to work.  Not much work done today.  Elder Wallace drove and I watched the GPS as we took Sister Zulu and Elder Vieria to Heathrow Airport #4.  Before that he took missionaries to Lingfield.

Institute went great tonight.  Had a larger group of YSA come.  We provided enchiladas from the leftovers from the dinner the night before.  Thank goodness I didn't have to fix anything after spending part of the day in the kitchen.  Another tender mercy!  We were talking to a sister at Institute tonight and asked were she worked. She said she was a support teacher and after some conversation we learned that substitute teaching is called support teaching.  Dennis- you can tell everyone that you are a Support Teacher.

What a relief knowing that Mary Kaye is home and recuperating.  Also heard that Dotti Pace will not be with us much longer.  I have such tender feeling of love for Dotti.  She cared for the Canyon Rim Ward and brought many people joy and love from her cookies and breads.

On the left: Sister Little is going home with Sister Neilson.
We met Ssiter Little's parents today.
Sister Neilson feeling all alone as she watched pictures of leavingg
Sister Missionaries.

Organized moving!

Sister Zulu on the right. 
