Travel to England

Friday, September 15-16, 2017

 Clark and I were up early finishing packing.  We had planned to leave at 7:15 am and arrive 3 hours early.  I called Delta and found out the 2 hours early was good enough-thank goodness or we would never had made it.  It was a dark cloudy day.  Clark loaded Emily's van.  We met Nanette and Marjorie who all wanted to take us to the airport.  Claire and Addie happened to come along for the ride and because of their ages.  All the other kids were at school.  We hugged, we kissed, we said our good byes and then realized we didn't have the capacity to take all the bags in without help.  Nanette went with us and she got us into a priority line that took us and our bags within 2 minutes.  Happily Nanette took charge and got us to where we needed to go.  We proceeded to the security desk which didn't take long at all.  While waiting for our flight we met Elder and Sister Seamons.  They will be working in the London Temple.

W took Delta Flight #DL2252 to Las Vegas at 11:00 AM.  Arrived at Las Vegas, NV at 11:00 AM.  The flight was non-eventful.  It was me that was a mess.  I did settle down once we were in the air and I could take a deep breath.  I seemed okay but my stomach was a bit upset.  Nerves!!!  But who wouldn't be a bit nervous leaving everything you know since birth to live in a different country.  We have been praying, watching travel films on England, looking at maps, reading the history, and talking to Malcolm Green about England.  He even gave us UK coins to familiar ourselves with them.  We arrive in Las Vegas, NV at 11:30 am.  The flight took 1 1/2 hours but with the time zone change we gained an hour. We met up with the Seamons and ate lunch.  Clark and Elder Seamons went to Carl's Jr. and Sister Seamons I went next door and got a Mediterranean salad and cheese flatbread.  Very nice!

The flight to England had over 460 people on board.  First class was on the second floor of the plane.  I don't think I have ever flown with that large of a plane.  We went on Virgin Atlantic flight form Las Vegas to Gatwick airport.  The trip was 10 hours.  Clark still has not ever gone to the bathroom on  a plane.  He did it again!!!  I don't blame him but the smell was pretty bad from the bathrooms.  Sleep was impossible for me.  I did read but watched movies-"Beauty and the Beast", The Zoo Keepers Wife" and "Gone with the Wind".  I need to see the last hour of "Gone with the Wind".  The lady sitting next to me was not very talkative.  I got to know her enough to know she was traveling to England and then up to Scotland to visit family.  They were staying for 1 month.  The flight attendants were very attentive.  Drinks, water, cookies and a hot dinner.  Just before we arrive in Gatwick they served a hot breakfast.  For dinner they served us red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting served in a little tiny plastic container, a bit bigger than a small spice container.  Very cute!  The airlines served dinner with purple silverware and 7 oz cups.  The shapes were very different from ours.

We were met at the airport by Elder and Sister Parker, missionaries from Orem, Utah.  They are lovely people.  They came to England 3 months ago.  It was her first time to drive to Gatwick.  They had to drive two cars because the van was full of furniture. (Clark and Brother Corbett are moving furniture on Monday-Clark gets to wear levis.)  First stop was the mission office.  We drove about 15 minutes and arrive at a locked gate and had to open it with a key.  We drove and took time to enjoy the sights of the temple and different buildings around the temple. Mission President Gubler and wife drove in right behind us.   The mission office is a bit smaller than I expected.  As you enter the large room you have four desk around the room with files, computers, printers...etc.  There is two comfort rooms (instead of toilet you say comfort room.) There is another large office and two computers outside by the big office.  We had time to meet the office staff and the President Gulber took part of the staff a meeting.  He met with us after got to know us and gave us our assignments.  We are going to be taking care of flats and cars and be over the Crawely Stake YSA (Young Single Adults).  These are two very big assignments.  We will be having FHE on Monday nights and institute on Wednesday night and helping feed the YSA.  President Gubler wants it to be simple like sandwiches, soup, salads and deserts.  Nothing fancy!!!  After our meeting we had lunch and another meeting with all the staff.  They invited President and Sister Pulsifer to our lunch.  It was so fun to see them again.  We learned that they are heading for home on Friday.  We were taken to our new place and dropped off our luggage and then Clark had his first driving lesson in England.  Elder Corbett let him drive for quite a while.   Just want you to know that we are all safe.  We got our car and drove ourselves home. We were given a blue/gray Hyundai automatic regular gas car. Most cars in England are stick shift.  The church does automatic cars because of the challenge of driving on the opposite side of the road and wanting drivers to concentrate on the driving on not on the stick.  The flat is called a studio flat.  It is the carriage house on the Estate of the David and Lesilie Bridgstone.  Just lovely people.  Very open and very generous.  Their two daughters and kids live on the property.  When the Bridgstones bought the house it had 14 bedrooms.  The flat has one large bedroom-living room-dining room.  Small kitchen and a comfort room and laundry room combined.  All hardwood floor throughout and tile in the comfort room.  We finished unpacking and finally made it to bed with smiles on our faces.

Okay-the only hard time was when I lost my Samsung Note 2 (or stolen).  I hope that I can get it back.  I will check with Gatwick on Tuesday if I haven't heard from them.

We met two Tech specialists that work in the office, Elder Dye from Canada and Elder Palmer (?) forgot where he is from.


  1. What kind of a car did they give you? Is it gas or diesel?


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