Sunday, 24 September 2017

Sunday, 24 September 2017

Elder Wallace and I attended the Crawley Ward which meets in the Stake Center.  It is a large very nice building.  The Ward was very friendly and introduced us.  We went to the YSA Sunday School and met Josh, Kayla, Charlotte, and Lily.  We will be working with them.  I got a chance to talk to them after SS and ask what was happening with the YSA.  Kayla has moved from Johannesburg South Africa and was telling me what she has been trying to do.  I told her that I would help get the program moving forward.  Institute sign-ups are Wednesday night and we will be there to learn our duties.  The YSA are so bright and on the ball.  I was impressed with the knowledge that they had of the gospel and their answers to the questions. 

Dinner was at the Corbetts and we were celebrating Elder Corbett's birthday.  The live in Brighton and hour away.  Dinner was wonderful after fasting all day.  Sister Corbett served roast and turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy and Yorkshire pudding, carrots, cauliflower casserole, fruit, jello fruit salad, green salad and three desserts - chocolate cake, trifle, and cream cheese bar.  It was delicious. President and Sister Gubler, Mission President and wife came and the Wakelys from Sydney Australia serving as YSA and MLS missionaries besides Sister Harkness, Sister DeArden, the Parkers and Corbetts were there.  A nice size group. Sister Corbett loves to entertain.  She does a very nice job.

It was late when we returned home. Prayers, scriptures and off to bed. 


  1. Are Parkers missionareies or local members?

  2. Did you drive by yourself to the Corbetts' place, or did you go with someone? The dinner sounded delicious!


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