MTC Last Day

Thursday, September 14, 2017

It was our last day at the MTC.  We had training and testimony time in the morning and in the afternoon was testing on what we had learned.  I felt pretty good about my progress.  I learned how to wrap words around a picture. I was able to do a newsletter.  I saved and told my teachers what I had done.  They like my newsletter better than their sample. I saved it for them and they seemed a bit surprised. We were able to leave a bit early because we finished our assignments.

The weather has turned colder and windy with dark clouds.  Looks like rain is coming.  We returned home to do laundry and pack for the Mission day to England London South Mission.  I was very grateful to Emily for letting me do laundry at her house.  Two washers and dryers are better than one.  We visited with David Wallace and Roger DuPaix.  Clark was anxious to get away and do a bit of shopping.  He went to get a battery for his watch.  It was a low key evening.  Emily prepared a great dinner (Thank You!)  Nanette, Roman, and Marjorie's family came to say good bye.  We will miss the girls and grandchildren.  I keep thinking how wonderful technology is and how we will be able to stay close through facetime and other pps.  Last thing on the agenda was to sell the Mazda and finished packing and off to bed.  It was hard to go to sleep even though we were so tired.  

Picture of our patient and caring teachers.

Last and final picture with the missionaries going to different parts of the world to work in the mission office.  Everyone has a story to tell and how they were able to go on their mission.  I love these people and hope to interact with them again.
