MTC Day 6

Saturday, September 8, 2017

We had a wonderful night sleep at the Graviets.  Nanette fixed us breakfast.  Omelets! Yummy!  Nanette had to help clean the church.  Clark volunteered to help clean while visiting with Nanette.  I stayed with Roman (who was sleeping) and ironed and packed.  We played Dominoes and Mormon Bridge.  We said our good byes.  We found out the car was leaking power steering fluid. Sent a text to Clint to drop of the car and asked DuPaixs if we could use their car.  Grateful we found the leak before returning to the MTC.

We had lunch with the Greens.  Marjorie made a mean tuna sandwich..  Afterwards Marjorie drove us to get power steering fluid, her dry cleaning, and see Rex play baseball in Kaysville.  Rex and his team won the first game and lost his second. While the family watched the game, I took Sophia to buy 29 pairs of earrings at Claires at the Layton Mall.  The mall was only 4 miles from the ball park.  Renee, Tyler's mother, drove us back to get our car at the Green's home.  Clark put the power steering fluid in the car and back to Sandy.

We arrived at Morrisons with no problem.  We unpacked our things from the Mazda and Clark took it up to Clint house for the week while we picked up DuPaix's car.  What a blessing Roger and Edie are letting us borrow the car.  David came over to say goodbye. We ate dinner and played games.  I had left a few things at the house so I went to get them. It is amazing the change that took place in 6 days from renting our home.  Derrick and Jasmine have made the house their own.  It looks so darling.  I might want to make changes when I get home.  We arrived back at the MTC with clean laundry and fun times. 

We feel like it was a tender mercy to be able to spend one more day with family.  
