Wed-Thurs 27-28 September 2017

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Elder Wallace and I have decided to make sure we are the mission office just before 9 am.  We made it and no one was there to let us in.  We walked around the London Temple grounds and met Elder and Sister Seamans.  They are the couple that flew to England with us and are working in the temple.  We invited them to come to in East Grinstead and shop while we were at the bank.  Opening a bank account took over 1 1/2 hours and Elder Wallace made and appointment for finishing up at the bank the next day.  We did get an account so we will have a debit card and can shop in England.  Seamans had to be back to the temple to work at 14:00 (2:00 PM).  They just had enough time drop off their bags and leave for the temple.  They were so glad to get out.  They have no transportation right now and the temple van takes them shopping once a week for a few hours.

Four of the office staff went traveling for the next five days to sight see. The Parkers and we were left to hold  down the fort. We stayed later than usual with projects that needed to be done.  We hurried home and cooked a macaroni and sweet/sour sauce with green salad.  I thought it was a spaghetti sauce.  We were surprised and delight with the pasta dinner.

Elder Wallace and I attended our first institute class with the YSA for Grinstead.  We met with Brother Doughty and his wife.  Brother Doughty is the temple recorder and on the high council.  He and his wife have been teaching the institute class the last six months.  We are to attend institute and will be available to teach when needed.  We meet at 7:45 PM and provide dessert afterwards.  We will start up a Home Evening once a month and visit three different wards and Sunday for our church and contact all the YSAs when we get names and information on them.  We will have plenty of time to do work in the office and help with YSA.

I wrote down a few sayings that I heard at the institute.

  • I received training by fire hydrant.
  • ...well i just wanted to tell you about the other bits and bobs.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

The mission office is quiet without the Sister Harkness, Sister DeArden and the Corbetts.  I spent the day learning from Elder and Sister Parker.  I am learning so much about the office and where things are and how to ask for help depending on the questions.  I spent the better part of the day answering a few phone calls and some were on flats.  I am going to love this job.  We were at the office all day.  Nanette sent us some power bars and we each had one for lunch.  I don't get hungry when I eat them.  Elder Wallace went back to the bank to finish up his portion of the account and Parkers went to the pharmacy to get their flu shots. Sister Little and Sister Nielson both from Utah are visitor center missionaries.  They come into the office all the time.  They are beautiful and fun to be around.  You can see the light and goodness in their eyes.  They want me to come look at their apartment and see how awful it is.  I set an appointment with them tomorrow.  It will be a little bit before I am able to do anything.

The Parkers invited us to go to IKEA and Costco.  So off we went after work.  We are becoming fast friends of the Parkers.  They are hardworking and good people.  This is their second mission.  I am grateful for their help in adjusting to my new surroundings.  For dinner, we all ordered meatballs, mashed potatoes, gravy and peas for dinner.  Not a bad meal.  We bought green napkins, pillow, 4 stripped table mats, small  green plant. and a squeegee.  At Costco we bought 3 roasting chickens.  I have to make chicken salad sandwiches for Monday luncheon at President and Sister Gublers house.  We have an office meeting.  The Parkers bought things for Zone Conference next week.  I will be helping with that.

Driving home in the dark in England is frustrating and confusing at times.  We depend on the GPS.  And even then we are lost.  Found ourselves taking a few wrong turns and having to back track.  Reminds me of repentance.  Make some wrong turns and then back tracking (repenting) and on the straight and narrow again.  Glad to be home.  Happy to rest.  I have to wake up Elder Wallace for prayers and scripture reading.  He looks so peaceful when he asleep.  I do love him.  He is a wonderful husband and terrific father.  I am very blessed with children/grandchildren that love their father.


  1. It sounds like you're starting to get in the swing of things...


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