21 September 2017

Thursday, 21 September 2017

It is a quiet day at the office.  Sister Corbett started teaching me the ins and outs of renting flats and what some of our rules are.   Elder Wallace went with Elder Corbetts to check cars.  He was gone until 2 PM.

I had my first missionary experience to talk to someone about the gospel.  Elder Wallace and Elder Colbert were off inspecting cars at the Missionary Leadership Council (MLC).  Two new cars came in for the mission.  Sister Colbert and I went out to receive the cars.  I talked to the truck driver as he unloaded the cars.  He was so nice.  I asked him if he know anything about the church.  He did not.  He asked about the London Temple and we got into a discussion on temples vs. churches.  He would not commit to having missionaries come to his house but he did seem interested. We sent him into the London Visitors Center hoping they might give him a Book of Mormon.

Elder and Sister Corbett left early for a doctor appointment.  I spent a few hours updating an assignment chart of all the missionaries.  Thank goodness I had something to do.  I hate sitting around.

Visited Pulsiphers for the last time.  Got all their frozen foods.  Now we can plan meals.

After dinner Elder and Sister Parker came to pick us up and took us to Torso Grocery Store.  It reminds me of a Walmart store but not as big.  It has everything you need.  We love the Parkers.  They have been so good to us. This is the Parkers second mission.  Their first mission was to Sweden.  They live in Provo, Utah with six children and (?) grandchildren.  Elder Parker is the Office Manager and Sister Parker does travel, visas, etc...  I will get a picture of them next week. I baked brownies for tomorrows luncheon when Elder and Sister Wells, new missionaries working with YSA.  Not bad for trying out a new oven. 

I was typing the entry into the blog and was falling asleep.  SOOOOO tired.
